Thursday, October 23, 2008

- friends left me alone at the girls toilet, and they forget me. (but forgiven.)
- didn't get report book today, other class get already.
- got red light! at whitesand mall. arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!
- went home, fought with sister.
- the worst part, fought with brother too!
- headache!
- i wanted our furute class to face other side, but didn't get. oh man!
gah! okay enough. so yar, tomorrow getting my report book! umi is coming, luckily not dad. phew! ahahahhahaha!
okay, sch is closed. yahhoooo! but yeah, got plans with friend. luckily! or else boring sehhhh.
ahahhaa! its raining outside, but still feeling so hot in the room.
ohyar! the airline course is oveeeeeeer!
the 3rd day was quite fun yeah! we had an amazing race at airport. and challenging with eastspring sec. not bad ah the boys! ahahahha! okay, oooops. so yar, we had to run ard the airport. which is a fucking asshole big place! so tireeeeeeed.
after the amazing race,' the 1st and 2nd prize goes to siglap, which is carya group and syakilah i think.
and guess what? after all this! me, syafikah, carya, azima, razdee, and dina play catching!
ahahahahha! emberassing, but fun.
and i shouted like hell at there. everyone is looking at us.
and its not fair! they always catch me, because im slow among them all.
ahahaha! sedih siaaaaa.
but who care?i was having fun. haha!
im off right now.
Monday, October 20, 2008

kk, im tired.
Sunday, October 19, 2008

so yar,
then then,
the doctor told us to wait outside,
so big, fluffly and cute.
the doc call us to show us the experiment.. and its a mites that cause my snoopy raches.
which is snoopy is a boy. ahha!
and yasmin came too.

after school,
went out with ellyna, hasanah and zafirah to bugis.
they wanted to do some shopping. so yeah us!
met hasanah at my block, then walk to TM from my block.
which is not far away, for me la.
then proceed to bugis to meet zaf and elly.
waited for them at longjohn silver.
they are like sooooooooo late. aahahha!
very funny oi.
first i call them, they say 3 more station.
2nd time call, 3 more station again.
so cuteeeee.
and end up,
they're late because of they took a wrong mrt.
okay so yar, went to bugis street,
i thot of not buying anything there,
but until i reach there. oh gosh!
the shirt all are calling me. buy me! buy me! buy me!
and guess what ?
i bought one new shirt.
after buying new shirt went to bugis junction,
hasanah is dying to go to "tweety shop".
then, reach there..
oh wow! not only tweety have, superman is there too.
i mean the shirt eh.
k whatever.
so yar,
zaf bought a new clothes there.
very nice sia the shirt.
bla bla bla,
elly bought siti a tweety ballon. ahaha!
how sweet!
and finally,
after going around there,
we went homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008

oh gosh!
i think im gonna fall sick, tsktsk.
i guess i didnt have enough sleep.. and i didnt eat well also.
went out with sis, abg mus[her boyfie.] and a friend of my sis boyfie.
so yar, we went to TM and ate at KFC. yummy!
after that,
i belanje my sis famous amous coz of tomorrow is her b'day!
happy burstday sister!
supposed to go out with frieeeends to bugis, but not confirm.
then my sis kesian la! she say she got no one to accompany her to go changi north cresent to pass her MC to her manager.
then i alaaaa, k la i follow her la.
so yar, after pass the MC.
then we meet her boyfie and friend.
after that,
lepak with them and went home with sis.
when reached home, siti call me and told me about she went to wild² wet and she's like fucking excited when she came back from there. ahahah!
and, i also feel so excited! the way she told me the story, was fucking fun.
and we plan to go with some of the girls in class.
best nyeeeee..
chatting with atiqah..
about this one fucking ex-boyfriend of ours. grrr!
but hey,
i had fun chatting with atiqah!
and yeah,
happy burstday dearest nurul hasanah!
happy advanced burstday dearest sister!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008


feeling so bored today.
yeahyeah, slept just know after came back from school.
so yar, slept at 4pm wake up at 6.30pm. hohohoh!
chatting with some friends here, got some problem going on.
i hope i can help you guys! :)
and yeah,
got my maths and business paper back!
i pass both papers. yahooooooo!
congrats nafisah! hahaha. -___-
- aisha, baby bitch
- grandma!
- nurul hasanah
- shahrul panda
- amir
- yasmin nabilah
- my primary friends
- syahid boncet
and more?
okay, goodbye.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
bestfriend VS boyfriend.
oh yeah, finally new computer.
mummy bought a new computer. weeee!
which is way way way better. obviously, hahaha.
so yar, yesterday went to jln raye with classmates.
its fun being together!
we rent a bus, which is shamir uncle bus.
very very kecoh.
and, something really bad happen after went to one of my friend house.
tsktsk. o.O
so bla bla bla,
just get back my EOY paper.
i pass my english, cpa and cme, the rest of the pape havent get yet.
can't wait for maths paper.
feeling very fucking tired today.
last house of raye was mine. hah!
so lucky me, i stayed at home as my friend has to go home at midnight.
cute friend of mine.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
feeling so bored here.
finish cleaning up the house!actually not yet lar, HAHA.
little bit only jeeeeeeee. atleast done whaaaat!
okay lar fine, lets not talk about the house thingy.
hari rayeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
can eat lots and lots and lots and lots of food. woooo!
then now, can eat anything at public cause puase finish. HAHA!
best nyeeee.
well, its a sad thing that grandma is not going to raye with us this year. how i wish, she's here!
selamat hari raya!

i miss you so much since the day you are not in this world anymore.
we will always remember you dearest! and how i wish you were with us right now.
i love you nenek. miss you so much! selamat hari raya, please forgive us. :'(
and i will always remember the day we spent together.