Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
currently, at school now. having EBS lesson.
just now in the morning otw sch, saw hazim. he took the same bus as me and siti. oh yaaay!
talk to him and all.
the bus is fucking pack, and this happen,
Hazim : eh, nak move in, move in je lah.[he's talking to one malay gir in angry tone.]
Me and Siti : laugh
The Girl : *gossip about hazim to her friends*then, *stare hazim*
Me : zim, pompan tu stare kau. haha.
Hazim : gi mampos ah siah. [loudly.]
The Girl : eh sialah, gi mampos ah.
Hazim : *roll eyes at the girl*
Me : zim, die diri kat pintu kluar sane. aku rase kan klau kau kluar, mesti die sound. like ckp bende gitu.
Hazim : nak ckp, depan² ah. haha.
Me and Siti : ahahaha!
hazim hazim, everytime must argue with people nye. ahaha!
ok lah, lesson is soon gonna be over.
will update when im home. i guess so. ;p
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Oh yes, last sat went to east coast park with classmates.
and the next day, sunday, went to sentosa with Nabs & Nifa.
and that is how i get a freaking sun burnt on my face!!! grrrrrrrrr ! fucking shit btol.
in school, when people are talking to me they kept looking at my nose. cos of sun burnt.
that make me feel more worried about my face.
and razali kept calling me, miss sun burnt. thank you for that. =.=
ah damn it! CLV is coming, this sat, and i got a freaking sun burn!!!
oh yaaaaaaaaaaay.
school was fine today.
didnt do 2.4km running today for PE, as i and some friends had to do a test. or something. about table tennis. ahahaha!
tmrw is another day of sch. Oh Man!
i hate thurs. yes, trust me. is a loooooong day.
well, i've finish doing my Ace-learning. Maths.
i got 75.00%. ohhh yaaaaaaaay! so proud of myself. ahahaha!
oh yar, Anaa lost her money again.
before that she lost her money at east coast park. then this time, in class.
i guess it must be our classmate, cos at east coast park only our class is there. and also, in class.
ahhh! idk who the hell steal.
its not only one dollar or something, its $120+. TWO TIMES LOST! its like 200+ already.
i hope that the motherf stealer will.. argh nvm. let God deal with the culprit.
and to Anaa, relaaaax bby! cheer up okay! rmbr, god is fair. hehheh!
okay, off to watch tv.
byeeeeeee. take care.
kay, for so long i never update. sorry for that. :D
Last Saturday, Feb 21. went to east coast park again, with class.
to celebrate Dina’s bday. yaaaaaaay! happy 16th birthday Dina! ily.
there's the photo, including the video.
eh, the video i still don’t have. :( will upload the video soon kk.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
vomit in the morning. vomit hotdog tau. bleargh!
didnt go see doc. well, sch is getting suck-ish.
if no mc or valid reason, had to stand aside in the morning or something.
Im writing a letter. since i got no Mc lah kan.
im so gonna leave my mum number at the letter. so that, cher can call up.
ok. siti called me in the afternoon, told me that eng teacher was angry with the whole class about Commen Test.
ah shit. cher comment about everyone of us. including, me.
she said that im lazy. ahhh, i knew it! since last time. ahahahah! i find it very funny.
tmrw had to stay back with eng teacher. the girls only.
since the boys got prayers to do.
dont feel like coming to sch tmrw. i dont think im getting better.
getting sicker instead. tsk.
but ergh, i think im going to sch. ok let see lah tmrw.
You both were never there for me, when i want them to.
i know u both said sorry. i've forgiven. but, I don’t think I can forget. well, that's me.
u said that I’ve change ? maybe, just maybe i've found myself.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

aahha! ini cuteee siah!
im so dead, if Iqbal know me put this pic here. XD
oh and, idk what the hell the guys at the back are looking at. hahaha!
i think this pic the boys are cute. ahaha!

Monday, February 16, 2009
heheheh. okok.
recap on saturday, feb 14.
Gerwyn, Elfy, Iqbal, Syahid, Myself, Nabilah. ;D
On saturday morning, at ard 11am plus went to Iman's bustop crib.
syahid, Amirul, gerwyn, are there too. then we proceed to tamp mart.
As iman and gerwyn wanted to buy paper plate. so i waited at void deck.
Syahid and Amirul go buy Asap.
after that, headed to tamp inter. meet Elfy, Khairi, iqbal, Alif, Nabilah, and the others.
go to bedok to meet fazlyna. we bring loooooads of things. so kecoooooh!
took bus 196 to meet wanie at marine parade. then walk our way to east coast park.
before that, the guys all thot take bus 168 and they rush to 168. luckily, some of us stop them.
or else, we go woodlands siah. HAHAHA.
then at east coast, there's a free cornetto ice cream. cos of, valentine's day.
myself, wanie, iman, khai, iqbal and alif went to queue for the free ice cream. while the others go and settle down first. heh. sape tanak sehhh free ice cream! ahahah! then got one Man who stop us, and ask we all to shout happy valentine day at the camera.
and also say, cornetto i love you! ahahahaa! so we shout. oh yeahhh!
settled down already. eat. all hungry. thirsty.
and funny part is, none of us bring cup. :O and its very hot sunny day! ahahahah!
then, told Alif to go Macd and ask for some cups. ahahaahh! as we all cannot tahan already. very thirsty.
then we changed, we all jump into the sea.
then i saw shamir came. then, razali & aina too.
hours and hours later, Ain and Dina came. they changed. and also, they bring papercups. phewwww. thanks.
then they both bring me aside as they want to talk to me, play water and all.
its weird you know. hahaha. cos they kept turning their head back to the tent.
then, they say eh lets go to the tent back. then, syahid came toward me and started to pull me in and out of the sea. oh so tiring. ahahaha!
then he pulled me back to the tent, where all of us gather. and shamir turned, with a birthday mango cake for me. and they sang for me. awwwwwh! so sweet.
they shared money for the cake. awwwwh.
then all saboh me! ahahah! throw some cake at me and all.
and Amirul, bought me a winnie the pooh teddy. awwwwh. thanks bestf. and to fazlyna too, she bought me a hoodies.
after that, we played monkey, frisbee and loads of games in the sea. ahahaha!
after change and all, we lepak at marine parade.
at ard 11pm i reach home.
that's the only pic i have.
the others pics and video i'll upload soon kk. cos, its not in my hp.
I had Funnnnnnn! thanks krg. ^^
recap on sunday, feb 15.
was supposed to meet Nabs, Nifa, and Min.
but it was canceled. ahahaha! its okay.
then also, i got jemputan. father's side. heheheh!
today, feb 16.
today, schhh was very tiring. plus, i've been coughing and coughing. so irritating.
after sch, went to lepaaaaaak with classmates. talk about the feb 14. ahahaha! so funnnn.
then, i took bus 39 home, with Huda, Syahid and Iman.
reach home, i change and went to bed. im very tired.
i cant sleep, cos i kept coughing and coughing. pfft! but, i forced myself to sleep.
i think im gonna be sick.
hope not.
Friday, February 13, 2009
went to eat at Bedok Corner. They bought me a Winnie the pooh cake! with my name on it.
AWWWWWWHH! so cuteeee.
sis & her boyfie bought me a camera bag. woooohooo!
Mum bought me a big patrick star teddy, cost $39. :O
mum told me. eh wait, this one i ask. ahahahaha!
after that, went home.
kay. just now, went to lepak with classmates.
still wondering who would steal my hp. tsk. ok forget it.
anwy, cheer up Elfy! iman pon lah eh. HAHAHAHA. ;p
tmrw going to East Coast. supposed to be a girls day out.
but the boys told us that they are going to east coast park too. then yeah, we combine ah.
everyone agree with it. YAAAAAAAAY!
it will be supeeeeeeeer fun!
later at night, mum is going to buy for me a new sim card. oh yaaaay.
hp ? im gonna use an old hp. then next month, mum get money. then we buy a new hp.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
who the hell would want to steal ?!?!?!?!?!
if its in class, argh. should be my classmates. but, i didnt want to blame on anyone.
come on, we have been 3 years plus together. we treated each other like brothers & sister.
but end up, that person steal my hp. baik ah kau binatang! pukimak die sial.
ah fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
i cried in class. whaaaaaaat ? there's nothing to shame about crying. pfft!
thanks for the one who really tried their best to help me.
thanks alot.
well remember, God is Fair eh.
im gonna use an old hp. i dont give a fuck.
taking a new number. using pp8. maybe tmrw or idk when im gonna buy with mum.
Arggggh! no more pics, contacts.
and especially, my inbox. ohhh god! only siti and Nabs know about it.
i got no mood to post already.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Amcm ! Nasa da 16 ahhh ! Hahah.
Can watch NC16 movie. Muahaha! Got kiss² all. We steam together kk ? Especially Nabs.
Ahahahhaha! U all also kk. Bday coming up tell me, then after that steam together. Gaaaaaaaah!
Joking ah. But, I mean it. HAHAHAHA!
and also thanks for the gift! i really love the gift so much.
thaaaaaaaaaaaank you so muccccccccch my babies!
Later at Night, going out with Family.
idk go where. so yeah, lets see. AHAHAHAHAAAHHA!
Oh and, i got free music from Ismail. my neighbour. ahah! lagu hindustan ah boy. bestbest. ahahha! aku suke. well, he On the hindustan music loud loud. then i can hear. ahaha!
thaaaanks eh im. ^^
Look at this conversation. Mad Guy. plus, ewwww guy. he is so WTFFFFF!
(E-mail address not verified) says:
finding girlf
(E-mail address not verified) says:
иaf says:
finding ?
иaf says:
well. i dont find love.
love come by itself. so yar.
(E-mail address not verified) says:
not find la
(E-mail address not verified) says:
i mean finding for a right girl la
иaf says:
isn't it still finding ?
(E-mail address not verified) says:
(E-mail address not verified) says:
but i wont propose
(E-mail address not verified) says:
(E-mail address not verified) says:
иaf says:
(E-mail address not verified) says:
i will make her like me and she it self will propose la
(E-mail address not verified) says:
(E-mail address not verified) says:
dont understand right
иaf says:
that's your wayyyy ? Oh God.
well, i dont think its gonna work. haha.
иaf says:
and, u want a girl to propose u ah ? ahahaha!
E-mail address not verified) says:
if there is a will....there is a way la
иaf says:
okay. all the best then.
(E-mail address not verified) says:
but i malas also la
(E-mail address not verified) says:
иaf says:
u lazy then want to have girlf ah ? .
(E-mail address not verified) says:
no lazy.........cause i had 2 many proposal la
(E-mail address not verified) says:
so,i will be a playboy again la
(E-mail address not verified) says:
иaf says:
ewwww to playboy! playboy sucks.
if u wanna be one, then u sucks LAH! hah.
(E-mail address not verified) says:
i dont mean pikat all the girls la
(E-mail address not verified) says:
juz 2 pikat the girl i like la
иaf says:
still pikat LAH?
(E-mail address not verified) says:
but 1 girl only right
иaf says:
ya LAH.
иaf says:
eh wait. i thot u want to be playboy. one girl only ah ? kentaaaaaaaal lah!
(E-mail address not verified) says:
if i love a girl..i will love her forever
иaf says:
how many girl is that gonna be ?
(E-mail address not verified) says:
(E-mail address not verified) says:
иaf says:
wahhhhhhhhh! i hope im not one of them.
иaf says:
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

today sch was per normal. ah boringgggg. *BOOOOOOOOOO!*
After sch got eng common test. Oh God.
i think im gonna fail the paper. i was very sleepy.
and guess what ?
when im writing down at the paper, my head was like "ah, i want ROOM. i want bed. i want to sleep."
then, at the paper i didnt realise i wrote "ROOM" which the answer was not supposed to be that. Hhaha!
ok whatever.
i got Maths hw. which is fucking hard. pfft!
thurs have to pass up. :O
and yaaaaay, tmrw is my bday. woohoo!
Monday, February 9, 2009

School was fine today. yeah.
Had Maths common test after school. which i studied last mintute. pfft! =.=
lets not talk about the paper.
Phew. After Maths common test,
went to west plaza. msg hazim, and meet him there.
Oh Yaaaaaay! i miss him so muuuuuuuch! he's going back to Malaysia tmrw. ):
kay. talk to him and all.
Took bus 39 home.
Uncle Patrick called. Oh God. talked to him. then, end the call. XD
nobody's at home. only myself.
called mum to buy for me Macd as she, sis and aunt are at TM. HAHAA!
Mum and Sis are home now.
Oh and, Aunt bought me a Baby-G CASIO watch. cost $79. for my Bday Gift advanced!
Hahaha! Mum told me the price without me asking. hohoho!
Thaaaaaaaaaaaanks busu! ilyyyyyyy.
Its supposed to be red, but the Retail Assistant gave the Orange one.
ahahah! busu knows that i like red.
But hey, Orange are niceee too. and yeah. i so love this watch! Hahaha.
And again, thaaaanks alot Busu! ^^

and since i got nothing to do after that, i take pic with my cat. baby, lil'bitch.
Nabs, be jealous! hahahaha. ;p
Sunday, February 8, 2009
this is Kitty. my fave cat of all! haha.

same like her jugaaak. very girly. hahaha.
seriously, baby at home everytime fight with other cat. Hahaha.

Wah. Baby and Nabs, got many enemy eh. haha.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Elly : meet Margaret already ?
Me : nope. suppose to meet at 1.30. now 2.15 i still at tamp bustop. i late siah. they reach already. hehe.
Elly : u everytime late ah.
Me : Hahaha.
Sorry yeah I late. Hehe.
Meet them at WS. Cos, Margaret wanna buy her things.
Since im late. I reach there, she buy already. Ahaha!
After that, proceed to Changi Aiport.
Had a bite at Macdonald. Then Blog for awhile using Margaret Laptop.
We gossip, joke, laugh, talk, took pictures. haha. Funnnnn ah.
After Changi Airport, I headed to Geylang to meet Mum.
As Margaret and fikah went back to pasir ris. Heh.
Had dinner with Mum and Aunty Fidah. Very-fucking-full now.
Kay. Here’s the pic,

Hahaha! yeah, so Fun going out with them. go out soon kays.