Went to buka with Nisha, Nabil, Rahman and Azroy at Geylang. After that proceed to Baybeats. && Zainal came after that. Here's some of the pictures. i didnt upload all. hees~
"Never mind what haters say, ignore them 'til they fade away."
Me: Hmmm.. Sis, i wanna meet T.I ah. Sis: -______-" Me: What? Sis: D R E A M O N. Me: busted seh! hahaha. Sis: Correct what. you'll never get to meet him. Me: who knows, in the future or what ? kan ? hahaha. Sis: yeah right. Me: .....
supppppppp. in comp lab, currently. [: Siti's next to me waiting for movie to download at Youtube. Ash is adjusting her bra, and Margaret is complaining about "school computer". The rest of the classmates are just surfing the net and chatting. Teacher is marking our EBS Prelims paper plus complaining about our answers. =..= and im just gossiping about them and thinking what more should i post.
so anyways, im hungry. geez~ tomorrow i'll be having night class for F&N. oh gawd.
While thinking of what more to post, we had this conversation, Ash: HuiHui, why your blog like that ? Margaret: Ya la.. She never update her blog one la. the blog dead. Naf: Haiya HuiHui, Dig a grave for your blog la! Ash: bloody busted. Us: *laugh*
and i realise, HuiHui didnt reply us at all. She ignored us. haha. oh and my ppd is still low, so just miss call or leave a msg alright. hees~
This is what happen actually. on Monday exam ends at 1045. After exam was Normal Lesson. But the boys in class and 6 girls including me went out the school. like "cabot". then received some msg saying that, "F&N student better get in back or else double punishment." none of us came back. i mean, the F&N students & The non-f&n students also. .... 23 of us were caught absconding. Tomorrow will be sent to Principal. i guess ? just see what's gonna happen tomorrow.
so anyways, school was normal. yesterday went to Causeway with Fazlina. Meet up Nabil & Fateh. Buka together, lepak, then home sweet home. heees~
Elly, Siti, Fazlina, Nisya, Neloofa, Nabil and Fateh.. Remember this saturday okay?! yeay! hahahaha. [:
oh &, I NEED COKE. NOW. PLEASE. PRETTY PLEASE. okay goodnight.
"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."
Currently doing nothing. Im not feelin well. again. oh gawd. & im seriously bored. seriously. I better get going now. Sis and Bro waiting for their turn to use the comp. Sebok je. =P Hahahaha.
Anyways, yesterday went to Causeway with Fazlina, Elly & Nabil. Watch movie "The Proposal". Yeah. The movie was totally fun. After that proceed to Macd and there, took pictures at Elly's lappy. Enjoy, Haha. =..=
oh gawd. so fcukin many photos. there's more actually. haha. overall, i really had so much fun.
Oh and Fazlina, Cheer up okay! i love you. Elly, Next time bawak lappy ! Hahaha. i love you. Nabil, more outing okay! heeees.