- friends left me alone at the girls toilet, and they forget me. (but forgiven.)
- didn't get report book today, other class get already.
- got red light! at whitesand mall. arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!
- went home, fought with sister.
- the worst part, fought with brother too!
- headache!
- i wanted our furute class to face other side, but didn't get. oh man!
gah! okay enough. so yar, tomorrow getting my report book! umi is coming, luckily not dad. phew! ahahahhahaha!
okay, sch is closed. yahhoooo! but yeah, got plans with friend. luckily! or else boring sehhhh.
ahahhaa! its raining outside, but still feeling so hot in the room.
ohyar! the airline course is oveeeeeeer!
the 3rd day was quite fun yeah! we had an amazing race at airport. and challenging with eastspring sec. not bad ah the boys! ahahahha! okay, oooops. so yar, we had to run ard the airport. which is a fucking asshole big place! so tireeeeeeed.
after the amazing race,' the 1st and 2nd prize goes to siglap, which is carya group and syakilah i think.
and guess what? after all this! me, syafikah, carya, azima, razdee, and dina play catching!
ahahahahha! emberassing, but fun.
and i shouted like hell at there. everyone is looking at us.
and its not fair! they always catch me, because im slow among them all.
ahahaha! sedih siaaaaa.
but who care?i was having fun. haha!
im off right now.
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