Tuesday, December 30, 2008
make your blog private eh ?
kecoh ah kau girl.
nvm, i wont make my blog private.
i want you to read my blog.
i know you're reading this.
people will always keep on update about their enemy/haters kan.
and yes, aunty nini all wanna march up at my crib right ?
yeah, they are all welcome ok. (:
and thanks for those cheering/supporting me.
you guys are worth calling a friend.
look here, read back the previous post.
what i type ?
i was being rude, because im standing for my right.
if Aunty Nini is the one who hate me, why use your mother hp kan?
common sense ah babe.
and the problem now is about you, why now pass the problem to aunty Nini ?
your mom got no time for this kan?
whoa, then she got time eh msging me all this.
and please lah eh,
u say that u didnt even busted me ? are you kidding me ?!
think back lah what you have done, u think idk eh.
oh and yar,
tell your mum try to be in my shoe, if another mother point all the fault at you.
will your mother agree ? and wait, will you agree to it ?
maybe, u guys think im being rude because u guys just cant accept the facts.
come on.
isnt the fact whatever im saying ?
if im a bad influence to yourself,
then stop being friends with me. friends like u are not worth it, and think again..
what have u help me ? hah!
pity you.
and now, aunty nini want to march up at my house ? yeah, all are welcome.
and what u say ?
u never even met anyone like me.HAHAHA!
well everyone is not the same. think first eh.
hah, u want me to respect your mum ? nehhhhh.
why should i ? when the first msg she has already started pointing all the blame on me.
she is the mother, and you are the daughter.
so deal with it.
stop telling me this and that, its not worth for me to listen.
coz im not her daughter.
she should tell you, since you say it yourself that you are a bad person.
oh oh oh,
u say if u got no friends you wont die ?
take back your words.
because, previously we fight you were begging and saying that you doesnt want to lose a friend.
pity pity.
Monday, December 29, 2008
eh wait.. actually, to the one that involves.
so yeah.
TO the one that involves,
ok, look here.
seriously, u got not right saying that im a bad influence to your daughter.
she herself should know what time to go home,
she's the one who travels from your place to tamp.
and now, you are pushing all the fault at me?
eh wait.
your the mother, you should call her and ask where she is and who with.
im not the mother there to tell her, go home now.
and now you're saying im a bad friend ?
i doesnt want to save your daughter, because she backstab me alot of times.
oh wow. your daughter is such a good friend eh.
i hope you are reading this, i want you to.
and what a suprise,
u wanna come down to my house and make a big fuss.
come come, you are all welcome.
dont worry, i dont hide this kind of things away from my mum,
infact i tell it to my WHOLE FAMILY. yeah.
and come again, u say im being rude ?
do you really think u deserve my respect, when the 1st msg u gave me like that.
come on lah.
and again im saying, im being rude because you all are pointing the fault on me.
im standing for my rights.
why are you telling me all this eh?
tell that all to your daughter, not me.
and u dont know me yet, so stop judging me.
and remember eh,
when your daughter lost her wallet and all, whose house she went to ?
my house.
who gave her money to go home?
my mother.
who's the one wanted to sleep at my house?
so yar, appreciate that.
see, u cant even thanks my family for what we have help your daughter.
eh.. u DID NOT even thanks us. suprise².
come on, you have gone through life more than me.
appreciate eh makcik. hah!

well, went out to siglap just now with Iqal.
thanks for teman-ing me, haha.
he has to wake me up at 9am just now, but hey..
i woke up earlier then him. HAHA.
woke up at 8.30am, and yeah at 9am he called too.
met outside my crib, then proceed to siglap.
after that,
went to lepak and i went home first.
thanks iqal, for belanje me drinks eh.
and yeah, here i am blogging now.
im so sleepy. but chose not to sleep.'
kay byee.
im seriously in no mood here.
bro is pissing me off, and the post before this is also pissing me off.
the sentence ah!all skip². tsk.
then, someone[dont want mention name] mother msg me saying that,
the daughter/son has not come home. and im the bad influence of it.
ok hello!
if im really a bad influence, i think i will ask your daugther/son will not go home ah.
and yeah,
im not the mother to tell your daughter/son what time to go home.
you the mother should call, and tell kan.
and now look, things are getting bigger.
k lah, im out of here.

hello hello.
hmmm, kays.
today woke up at 10am+, then wake Nabs up.
meeting Nifa & Min at 3pm, but yeah... i just mandi and siap first.
coz meeting Nabs at my crib, after that im meeting Nifa & Min.
Nabs didnt come along to town, she went with Fadh. (:
so yeah, Nifa & Min were very very very late. tsk.
met them at 4plus i think. =.=
met them at Mac inter. then pass Min's bday gift to her.
i gave a bday card[myself made] & a bracelet. ^^
hope you love it Min.
okay then, proceed to Town.
find sch bag, but i dont really like it there.
eh wait.. 1 or 2 kind of bag i like, its a bagpack yeah.
but still, i like Hiking bag which i saw before at Tamp.
then yar, back to TM.. coz i wanted to buy that bag, and also Nifa wanted to buy a bag at OP.
she bought her bag at OP, CS.
after that, i forgot the place of the bag that i want.
its either at TM or CS, nifa kept on saying at CS.
so yeah, went searching for it but tak dpt.
then we saw Nurul Ain[suria celebrity], then we like "eh hi!" she smiled, and say hie back. hahaha. then we went up, and she went down lah.
few seconds later, we wanted to take pictures with her.
so yeah.. we came down and went to her and took pic. hahah!
semangat gitu eh. hahaha!
kk, then went to TM, coz the bag that i want is at TM. hahahaha.
and badly, the bag was out of stock. tsk!
finally, went to eat at KFC.
and there's this guy working at KFC is so cuteee. name Jay.
hahaha! what ? i just saw the name tag eh. *winks*
blah blah blah.
the toilet at KFC, really really stinks!
i feel like vomiting there. oh gosh! ahaha!
then, we went to lepak at Star with iqal, dinie, hydher, zik, and shahkecik.
so yeah. then Nifa and Min, went to Aqilah & friends all.
lepak with them at playground near star.'
they call me to go there, so yar.. lepak with them.
after that, back to iqal and the rest.
then yar, the rest went home. me, iqal, hydher, and shah went to shop. then go home. HAHAHAH.
okay byebye.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Ok, currently chatting with Nabs, Syahid and Sharul.
slept at 8+ in the morning today, hahaha.
was otp with Nabs, Min, and Nifa all the way till morning.
we played some games otp. ahahahah!
as usual, before sleeping i msg Iqal, ask him to wake me up at 11am.
okay good, he woke me up at 11am. HAHAH.
thaaaaaaanks iqal!
but wait.. i slept back, and woke up at 1pm+ hehehe.
then yar, after bath and all..
i go and clean up my book shelf, then i got keep this tweety box which inside i kept all letters from friends/bf/gf and all .
so yar, when i read back all the letters, HAHAH. so cute siah the writting.
some are from 2006, still keeping it. hahah!
and even, pictures of my ex inside that box. whoa! hahaha.
then i realise that i lost my book list, tsk.
call siti, tell her that i wanna borrow her book list.
then luckily she's gonna buy books today.. so yay! after that, the book list is all mine.
HAHAHA, k lame.
before meeting her, at 5.30pm i watched Fantastic 4[silver surfer], then watched Enchanted.
watched enctanted half way je, then meet siti at 7-eleven ard 7plus. near our house.
then talk talk talk.
before that, terserempak Dinie, Iqal and Hydher. talk with them all.
then yar, jumpe siti.
blah blah blah..
after that, lepak with Dinie, Iqal and the rest.
then 9pm go home.

Kay, just got back home.
went to watch Hindustan Movie "Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi" at Tamp GV with
mom, kak fidah, kak norsiah and one of my mom nye kawan. hah!
the Movie was G-R-E-A-T ! really G-R-E-A-T ! hahaha.
and i must say, shahrukh Khan is Hot + Cute! especially with that hair style.
HAHAHAHA. *winks*
well, slept at 6+ in the morning just now. hahaha.
and woke up at 5pm. tsktsktsk.
then at 6+pm i bath and all, then meet mom at 7+pm at TM.
i got my anklet repair, haha. YAY!
and before watching the movie, went to eat at LongJohnSilver.
trust me, i dont like eating there. pfft !
but what to do.. all nak eat there.
but mom agree with me. hah!
and yeah, here i am blogging now.
haven't change my clothes. still wearing long sleeve. panas siah!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

was otp with Nabs till 5+ in the morning. Nifa has put down the phone earlier.
she's not feeling well. get well soon bby.
mum was really kecoh when she woke up saw me otp in the morning, cause she know i cant wake up in the morning..
cause i must go to sch in the morning to pass FAS form. hah!
then dad came home, told Nabs i have to put down.
before going to sleep, i msg Iqal.. told him to wake me up at 8am.
but he woke me up at 10am. HAHAHA.
its okay, thaaaaaaanks iqal.
so yar, took a bath and all.. took 39 to sch.
it was raining, and i was very very very very very very sleepy. -____-
reach sch, pass form.. then byebye sch.
took 81 to inter. cause thought of going to mom's shop after that.
but then, sis call and ask me where am i at ?
and i told her im at inter.
then she was like "alah, no need go umi shop lah. and also, u tired what. still at tamp inter kan? go home ah."
i call umi, tell her if its okay i didnt come.
umi say, she's okay with it. phewwwww! im glad she understand.
went to BreadTalk, bought some sandwiches.
im craving for cupcakes, but there's no cupcakes there. ):
aniway, Breadtalk halal or not ah ?
if u know, tell me kays ? i know lah, i eat already.
but i just wanna know. hahahaha.
but hey.. sandwiches are all halal what. hmmmmmm.
from inter, walk all the way home.
reach home.. i wash my legs, coz its raining kan, then got sand & all. tsktsk.
i was too sleepy to bath, then i jump to bed. but before that, i ate the sandwiches.
and also sis.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! heaven siah. hahaha.
then i rmbr sleeping at 1+pm, then told sis to wake me up at 3pm.
but i woke up at 5pm, hahaha.
she told me, she tried waking me up. hahahaha.
only phone calls can wake me up. ^^
then, wash myself and stuffs.
after that, watch hindustan movie "heroes".
very very very nice story, i cried watching that movie.
- nope
.How many times a day do you shower?
- 2 ?
When you wake up what's the first thing you do?
- check my hp. haha.
What's the last thing you bought?
- hmmmm, candies. oh yeah!
The last person who had his/her arms around you?
- neloofa! hahaha,
Left handed or right handed?
- right.
Are you close with your parents?
- yeah
.What time is it?
- hmmmm..2.56am.
What magazines do you read?
- hahaha! any will do lah.
Do you like to sing or dance in the shower?
- sing, haha. eh actually, both lah. ^^
How do you like your eggs?
- anything, as long no yellow ! hahaha.
At McDonalds what do you usually order?
- Mcspicy. ^^ yummay!
Are you a friendly person?
- yeaaaaaaah!
If you could go back in time, where would you go?
- entah eh.. let me think first.
Have you ever met a famous person?
- NO! ):
Do you look like anyone famous?
Cigarette or alcohol?
- nehhhhhh..
Have you ever woke up and didn't know who the person was sleeping next to you?
- hahaha. gile siak, no no no.
Do you have a criminal record?
- Nope, imma good girl. cheychey. haha.
Are you wearing a necklace, who got it for you?
- not wearing any.
Would you stand next to people who are smoking?
- would i ? anything lah. but just dont blow it to me.
What's your favorite tv-show?
- wizard of waverly place, totally spies, ppg.. etc.
What's your favorite color?
- maroon, deep red, white and black.
Do you listen to the radio?
- yeahyeah.
What's the date today?
- 24th dec 08.
When was the last time you were in a swimming pool?
- Yasmin burstday!
When your in the shower, what's the first thing you wash?
- hair, body, face. hahaha.
Where is the strangest place you've slept?
- my room. hahah! no lah, nowhere.
Are you waiting for somebody's text ?
- anybody please ! ahahaha!
Where is the last place you fell off from a chair?
- hmmmmm.
- sharifah nafisah bte syed sagoff al-hamid
Shoe size:
- 6 or 38.
What are you wearing right now?
- clothes! hahaha. =.=
Where do you live?
- singapura. hehe.
Favorite Number/s
- 7, 23 & 32. hahaha.
Favorite Drinks:
- peach tea, and pepsi.
Favorite Months:
- hmmmmm..
***********Have You Ever***********
Swam in the ocean:
- i read Nabs LJ..common sense, ocean ? nope. beach ? yeah.
Fallen asleep in school:
- yes, alooooot of times. hahaha!
Broken someone's heart:
- errr yeah.
Fell off your chair:
- yeapyeap. haha
.Saved e-mails:
- nooooo. terdelete. ):
***********What is************
What's right beside you?
- my bed.
What is the last thing you ate?
- pizza
------------Ever Had-------------
Chicken pox:
- noooooooo.
Sore throat:
- hahaha, yeah.
- yeah, at forehead.
Broken nose:
- issssssh! no no no. :S
-----------Do You-----------
Believe in love at first sight?
Who was the last person you danced with?
- hmmmm.. can't recall.
.Who last made you smile?
- hahahaha! my sis.
Who did you last yell at?
- my bro, i guess. hahaha.
----------Final Questions-------------
Hate someone in your family?
- NO LAH!of course not.
Diamond or pearl?
- pearl ! they're cute. haha.
Are you the Eldest?
- NO, the youngest adelah. hahaha
.-------Today did you-----------
Kiss anyone?
Get sick?
- nehhhhh.
Talked to an ex:
- hahaha, yar. everday siah. ^^
Miss someone:
- schoolmates.
.----------Last person who----------
You talked to on the phone?
- Yasmin, hahaha
.Have a crush on someone:?
- ........
Best feeling in the world
- happiness ? hahaha. k whatever.
Future kids names?
- chill lah, blom pk. hahaha.
Do you Sleep with stuffed animals?
- yeah, haha.
What's under your bed?
- hahaha, matress.
.Ever have love bites?
- nopeeeee. bleargh~
Danced a slow dance with someone you like?
- tak seh, hahaha. (:
Who do you really hate?
- no one. no good hate people. hahaha!
Ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with?
- yeah, hahaha.
You lonely right now?
- yesssssssss.
Ever been naked infront of anyone?
- yeah, my girlfriends.
Last person who kissed you on the lips and when was it?
- Nabs, when ? the last time i met here lor. haha!
Pepsi or Coca-Cola ?
Blueberry tea or Peach tea ?
-Peach tea, yeah.
Coffee or Tea ?
- Tea
Milo or Horlicks ?
- Milo!
Mineral water or Sweet drinks ?
-sweet drinks yeah.
Cats or Dogs ?
- Cats.
Fish or Frog ?
- alahai! fish lah.
Cockroach or Centipede ?
Lion or Cheetah ?
- cheetah!
Dinosaurs or Crocodile ?
- hahaha, siak. i'll take dinosaurs!
[Human Beings.]
Chris Brown or Michael Jackson ?
Britney Spears or Paris Hilton ?
-Paris Hilton. hehe.
Rihanna or Keri Hilson ?
- Keri Hilson.
Beyonce or Fergie ?
Heaven or Hell ?
- hell. bodoh siah, heaven lah. =.=
die, drowning or in fire ?
- maaaaak! susah seh. atleast one, i'll choose.. errr..drowning. hah!
bestfriend or boyfriend ?
- tsk. bestboyfriend. amcm!hahaha.
being rich but ugly or poor but gorgeous ?
- rich ah siol. haha! duit babe! chey, moneyface siah aku.
no lah... idk.
raining heavily or very hot sunny day ?
- raining heavily.
jump off from 20 high storey building or cut your arms ?
- hahaha. jump off ah!
continue or stop survey ?
- stop. hahaha.
its so boring now, idk what to do.
gosh!i cant download songs, idk what's wrong with my downloader.
kay tmrw, im going to siglap. in the morning.
to pass form. yeah, AGAIN.
after that, maybe i go lepak.. if not, im going to mum's shop.
oh yeah.
Nabs offline early today. hmmmm.
my hp is so quiet today.
hah! eh wait, who's gonna msg/call me anyway ?
kkk byeeee.
might be posting again.

my craving for pizza is, OVEEEEEEER!
my mom ordered a pizza just now, so yeah.. yummay!
and now, im craving for cupcakes.):
im craving for cupcakes since i read Haslinah blog, she got colourful cupcakes for her bday.
Y-U-M-M-A-Y !
and thanks to Margaret for editing my blog background.
thanks alooooooooooooot!
and currently, otp with yasmin.
okay lah, byeeeeee.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

woke up at 2 just now.
was supposed to wake up at 11, thot of going to siglap early.
but then i woke up at 2. kk, then take a bath and all.
then, myself and sis took a cab to siglap.
and i forgot the ave of my sch. HAHAHA.
it was a very hot sunny day, and myself and sis was very thirsty.
and this time of point, we were having the worst-thing-that-girls-doesn't-want.
oh gosh! oh gosh! oh gosh!
so yar, after siglap we headed to west plaza and bought Redbull and Mineral water.
pheeeeeeeeew! sedap siah da minom. hahaha.
and took 39 to TampMall, to pay bills and stuff.
then then, took 67 to geylang to meet mum at her shop.
and i was very very very hungry. not eaten since i went out. ):
sis has already eat when i was sleeping. =.=
kay, met mum then went to eat at geylang there.
after eating, went back to TampMall again.
cause myself and sis like one of the skirt at there.
so yay, we bought that skirt! yay yay yay !
then, go Afghan and buy my sch shoes.
and also, i bought a half black pants. oh yeah.
and sorry Nabs, can't follow you.
very sorry.
k then, goodbyeeeee.
Sunday, December 21, 2008

kay, today woke up at 1 plus. i think so lar.
then Min and Nifa also woke up.
we all kemas ruma and stuff, then take a bath all.
then went to coffee shop Eat and all, then proceed to gateball.
and yes thanks to dinie asyraf, my anklet putus.
kay laaaa..
enough of posting. heh!
kay yday, met Nabs ard 3plus at my home.
than myself and Nabs went coffeeshop.
i buy cheese prata, and Nabs buy rojak.
she been craving for that rojak since idk when. HAHAHAHA.
went home, and eaaaaaaat.
then we called Yan, and talk to him all the way.
blah blah blah..
at 5, met Yan at coffee shop and accompany him eat.
moving on,
yan mum msg "kicap urgent". HAHAHA. so cute!
so yar, he buy kicap then we lepak at bawah block die.
At 7plus, Nifa, Dinie, and Yasmin came.
lepak lepak lepak and lepak.
then we proceed to RC.
ard 9, Nabs wanna go home.
myself, Yan and Nifa accompany her to bustop.
after that,
went back to RC.
then, Dinie and Yan start bullying me. GRRRR!
then took my slipper and throw here and there.
and they were like, eh mcm main monkey ah.
and Iqal pon join the game.
oh yeah!
nifa came and help me.
after that, nifa accidentally step on Dinie's slipper and terputus.
and dinie was really angry that he left, and went home. [o.O]
and yan was like, hey my slipper also putus!
we had the video.
enjoy ye.
and yar,
everyone forget going home and lepaaaak till 11pm plus,
and Nifa and Yasmin went home.
everyone went home.
i call Nabs, and was otp with her. then Yan call.
then, Nifa call and tell me that the last train has ended and the worst part is that, she lost her wallet!
and got no money to go home.
then i call dinie, and tell dinie about nifa and yasmin got no money home cause they're are sleeping at dinie's house.
so yar, i join calls.
and so sweet of Yan, he went back to RC and look for Nifa wallet. [awwwww..]
i talk to mum, and mum decided to give nifa money home.
at 12plus midnight, i went down and met them all to pass the money.
then buy food at 7-eleven, and was still otp.
even Yan was infront of me, we were still conference. HAHAH.
then lepak outside my house till 1plus.
and then, NO TAXI HOME.
and finally, they both sleep at my house.
Friday, December 19, 2008

didn't went out today.
currently, im otp with nifa plus, chatting with Ash. HAHAHA.
i so miss Ash aloooooooooot !
whoa, sch is opening reaaaally soon.
and im so not prepared. oh gosh! oh gosh!
im under FAS, and havent get my books yet.
i have to take form at school, then go back and hand up again.
i did that like aloooot of times. still, asking me to pass this and that.
stupid siglap! GRRRRRRRRR.
and okay, idk what to type now.
and yeah, haiqal is finally home.
HAHAHA. yay!

went to lepak just know.
suppose to meet Nifa in the morning, but then i came down at 2+pm. yeah.
took some snapshots with Zairilshah. hahaha.
so hard to take pic with him, that was a force and not ready one. HAHA.
after lepak-ing,
went to Mom's shop at Geylang with sis. help mom with some stuffs.
then, went to eat at idk what's the food place name.
i ate burger plus 2 blueberry lychee drink. YUMMAY!
then, took taxi home.
and i got my bill back, its 30+. phewwww! im save.
my last bill was $158 !mom was dissapointed. heh, sorry.
but hey! now is $30+.
reach home, after freshning up myself.
me and sis watch Hindustan movie name, kidnap. best siol!
plus, the Hero HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT GILEEEE ! hahaha.
ah there, that's the picture of him,

to dearest ellyna,
i read your blog.
i know , i spent alooot of my time with bdk tamp.
im so so so so so so sorry. ):
but then, i want to hang out with you, you cant.
and yes i know, you got your own reason for that.
i understand.
im just so sorry.
i can't explain anything, its my fault.
i will be the old me, i promise.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
im sorry.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
yay! just got home from jurong with Nabs, Nifa and Min.
i enjoy there aloooooot.
i am very very very tired right now. =.=
myself, Nabs and Nifa didn't slept the whole day. we're otp as usual.
but, i took a nap. HAHA.
then at 10am Min call me up, and started talking about the plan.
we lied to Min mom's that my sis[adult] is coming with us, which is my sis is so not coming.
and thankfully, my sis helped us by talking, plus lying to her mom. HAHAHA.
we're so so so sorry autny nini. heh!
was supposed to meet Nifa and Min at Outram Park platform,
but then myself and Nabs didn;t realise that we've pass Outram Park.
then yar, met them at Chinese Garden.
and oh oh oh,
some hot dudes checking on Nabs. cheycheychey!
i really really really had fun there.
after that,
went to eat at jurong kfc, and Nifa and Nabs were like saying this one delivery guy Hot.
Hot ke ? okay lah. hahaha.
i find the curly guy cute! hahaha.
remember Nabs, Nifa, Min ?!hahaha.
then proceed to chinese garden park, idk what's really that place name.
so yar, chinese garden park pon jadi lah. HAHAHA.
took loads of pictureeees. yeah.
then otw to orchard, i slept in MRT. =.=
and my head was going down, and thanks to Nabs, Nifa and Min for laughing at me.
after laughing and looking at me, then they woke me up. so crueeel! hahaha.
so yar, then ate FRIED MARS BALL! YUMMAY !
Nabs, Nifa and myself bought FMB for Min and for ourself as well.
then took bus 5 home, and Nabs has to change bus.. so yar, bye nabs.
after that, met dinie, zikri and hyder.
and lepaaaaaaaaaaaak till 10pm, then they went home.
and here i am blogging.
and here are the pictureeeees ! ;;

well, to start off..
i would like to write this for someone.
first of all, you couldn't bad mouth about me.
why ?
because, when i was with him last time..
didn't you do the same thing ?
msg-ing him, meeting him, taking pictures together.
and now look,
you guys are together now. isn't that sweet.
it may not be me the only girl he is texting with, it might me some other girls too.
but im one of them too. isn't it ?
coz he texted me and stuffs.
and hell yeah, im not taking revenge here. trust me.
i know what is past is past but,
im just making u realise that.
and yes, you are feeling what i felt before.
i hope you know yourself, when reading this.
thank you very much.
and i would not want to talk about this anymore.
lastlong with him yeah. ^^
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
GRRRRR ! [aku da mandi/siap semua siah! tsk.]
after i have bath and all, watch TV and then fall asleep.
and Nabs was supposed to come to my house, but then she didn't.
[dissapointed, haha.]
so yar, stayed at home for the whole day doing what idk.
and yar,
we are now planning about the jurong AGAIN.
i hope its not cancel. oh yeah, i hope so.
k then, byeeeee.

its 3 in the morning, and im still not sleeping.
i just finish watching twilight, at one of the website. hahahahahaha.
and the guy, is SUPER SUPER SUPER HOT.
i kept on telling Nabs, that guy is hot. HAHAHA.
and Nabs was like "stop it lah kau."
wooooohooooo !
kay, tmrw going to jurong east to swim there, AGAIN.
but this time with Nabs, Nifa, Yasmin and myself.
coz we're celebrating yasmin's bday.
kay la,
Monday, December 15, 2008

my stomach is giving me such an attitude. GRRRR.
kay, just now lepak at RC with Iqal, Dinie.. and the rest.
then proceed to gateball, unfortunately.. it rain.
then went to lepak at void deck until rain stop, but after rain stop..
i went home early. coz i just dont feel like lepak-ing.
and hell yeah,
i bought sunflower seed and it cost $1.10.
expensive seh, just seed what. hahaha.
and yar,
im missing aisha.
and tmrw, iqal wont be at spore.
boring nyeeeeee.
kk, byeeee.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
things didnt go well between myself and neloofa.
she's really being a bitch yday, sorry. but hell yeah!
i thought bestf dont betray each other, but well i have one betraying me.
and that's you neloofa, yes you.
i know you must be reading this, i want you to.
come on, we [aisha and me]just talk to you nicely.
and you "whatever" us.
and you blame other people, just to save yourself.
and look now,
to save yourself, you lost all your friends.
stop being a bitch!
remember, what goes around come around.
seriously, serve you right.