yay! just got home from jurong with Nabs, Nifa and Min.
i enjoy there aloooooot.
i am very very very tired right now. =.=
myself, Nabs and Nifa didn't slept the whole day. we're otp as usual.
but, i took a nap. HAHA.
then at 10am Min call me up, and started talking about the plan.
we lied to Min mom's that my sis[adult] is coming with us, which is my sis is so not coming.
and thankfully, my sis helped us by talking, plus lying to her mom. HAHAHA.
we're so so so sorry autny nini. heh!
was supposed to meet Nifa and Min at Outram Park platform,
but then myself and Nabs didn;t realise that we've pass Outram Park.
then yar, met them at Chinese Garden.
and oh oh oh,
some hot dudes checking on Nabs. cheycheychey!
i really really really had fun there.
after that,
went to eat at jurong kfc, and Nifa and Nabs were like saying this one delivery guy Hot.
Hot ke ? okay lah. hahaha.
i find the curly guy cute! hahaha.
remember Nabs, Nifa, Min ?!hahaha.
then proceed to chinese garden park, idk what's really that place name.
so yar, chinese garden park pon jadi lah. HAHAHA.
took loads of pictureeees. yeah.
then otw to orchard, i slept in MRT. =.=
and my head was going down, and thanks to Nabs, Nifa and Min for laughing at me.
after laughing and looking at me, then they woke me up. so crueeel! hahaha.
so yar, then ate FRIED MARS BALL! YUMMAY !
Nabs, Nifa and myself bought FMB for Min and for ourself as well.
then took bus 5 home, and Nabs has to change bus.. so yar, bye nabs.
after that, met dinie, zikri and hyder.
and lepaaaaaaaaaaaak till 10pm, then they went home.
and here i am blogging.
and here are the pictureeeees ! ;;

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