School was alright. except during MT, i swear i was really sleepy.
my eyes are all heavy already. Thanks to Elly and Ash who tried their best to make me awake, cause they know that i can't get bored. HAHAHA. -___-
and, i cant believe that Thurs at 700 - 1030 all the way with form teacher.
oh my god. trust me, i'll get bored. idk, she's just a boring person. =x hahaha.
sorry sorry sorry.
anywaaaaaaays, i got nothin much to update about.
ok. i got this quiz from Elly, thanks. yeah.
1) Besides your lips , where is your favourite spot to get kiss ?
- Forehead and, Neck. =X
2) How do you feel when you wake up this morning ?
- felt so sleepy. gosh.
3) Who was the last person you took photo with ?
- Ash and Elly.
4) Would you ever donate blood ?
- Yeah, why not.
5) Have you had a bestfriend who was an opposite sex ?
- ah yeah.
6) Do you want someone dead ?
- yes, secretly. haha. no laaaa..
7) What does your last message says ?
- "Naf, yg cg suroh record voice kau da bikin ? pg ape eh."
8) What are you thinking right now ?
- im thinkin what im thinkin.
9) Do you wish someone to be with you right now ?
- yeah. *winks*
10) What is the time you go to bed last night ?
- hmm, i forget.
11) Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now ?
- i got it free, during national dray from pri sch.
12) Is someone on your mind ?
- oh yeahhh.
13) Who was the last person texted you ?
- idk who was that. didnt save the num, sorry.
14) Tag 8 random people to do this survey
- Elly
- Haiqal
- Ash
- Nifa
- Aisha
- Yasmin
- Margaret
- Anaa
15) Who is no. 2 having relationship with ?
- wooooh, no one. *winks*
16) Is no. 3 a male or female ?
- gay. hahs. female lah.
17) Say somethig about no. 1
- one very crazy kecoh girl. hahaha.

One Dude : Thank God that Michael Jackson is Dead.
Me : Thank God i didnt know you Dude, if i know you, ok stop. just let hope someone would be glad when ur relatives is dead. ok ? fair enough. thanks.
fucking people.
currently waiting for somebody's msg.
ok goodnight.
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