Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Just once, please?
Call me desperate, im just crazy about him.
Hottie! Hottie! Hottie!
Call me desperate, im just crazy about him.
Hottie! Hottie! Hottie!
i can't force myself.
Im sorry for the way i treated you. )=

Im fcuked up. Haha! What a start. But seriously, im fcuked up.
Have been having problems with Friends. Thanks to Neloofa for your listening ears! Having a date with her on Nov 2nd.
Neloofa, i need a girl-to-girl talk with you. Desperately. Haha!
What i know is, there's always a solution to every problem.
Like; There's always an answer to every question.
So anyways, was supposed to go Mount Pleasant Hospital with Haiqal to send Snoopy, my cat. But sis wanted to go.
So yeah~ Sorry Haiqal! D:
Then meet up Lyna & Her sis, Kak uda. Met them at Raffles City Mall.
Fateh texted, want to meet us after their job, including Nabil. So yeah.
Meet up with them at Marina. Alfie & Luqman tag along too. Than slack~
Currently chatting with Elly & Alfie.
Damn! I miss you so much la Elly! Meet up soon okay.
How i wish my phone got free incoming call, so that i can ask anyone to call my phone up and can talk all day long without me sitting down at one place only. Pfft house phone!
Nvm. Elly will be calling me later on, cause i want her to teman me eat since everyone at home is already asleep. Damn.
Ouh! Guess what? Mum cooked my fave dish, sotong masak hitam! Yessa!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
i dont feel u no more.
Went out with Lyna, Haiqal, Nabil, Fateh & Alfie. I had a total fun!
This is all the pictures. yeah! Haha.
Friday, October 23, 2009
e x h a u s t e d.
After swimming, im just so exhausted to update about today's plan.
I'll update soon okay? Anyways, Pictures are with Nifa.
So i had to wait! Again.
Nifaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Pictures please. Haha.
&& Aisha, lets go to Tamp1 more often, and see more of that J.CO guy. Okay? I know you're into him. Muahahahahahaha!
Okay, Goodnight.
After swimming, im just so exhausted to update about today's plan.
I'll update soon okay? Anyways, Pictures are with Nifa.
So i had to wait! Again.
Nifaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Pictures please. Haha.
&& Aisha, lets go to Tamp1 more often, and see more of that J.CO guy. Okay? I know you're into him. Muahahahahahaha!
Okay, Goodnight.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I can't believe that i stayed home for this past few days.
Ok no, actually today only. Haha! It's so bored that it feels like i've been staying home for so long already. oh gosh. i so need to get out!
Im glad that tmrw im going out with Nifa and Aisha. Going Swimming. Yeay!
Just now, Called Macdonald for our Dinner.
I ordered 2 Mcspicy, Than, They sent only 1 Mcspicy & instead of another Mspicy they gave us Chicken Mcnugget.
I called back, as bro told me to do so. Than.. After all the talk,
The phone operator say the manager will call us.
While waiting.. Mum gave my Grandpa the Mcnugget.
Me: Umi, Why you give the Mcnugget to Grandpa?
Mum: Why?
Me: We didnt order, then wanna give back.
Mum: Nvm la. No need, just eat.
Me: Later the Manager call..
Bro: Igonre uh? Hahahah!
Than the manager call the house. None of us wanna answer.
So, bro asked Grandpa to act like "wrong-number."
Grandpa: Halooooo!
Manager: *Talk*
Grandpa: You say what?
Manager: *Talk*
Grandpa: *Laugh*
Manager: *Talk*
Grandpa: You got wrong number.
End call. I laugh like hell after they put down! and mum was like, so bad laaaa you guys!
Hahahahahaa! Then they call again. So i answered.
Manager: Hello, can i speak to Nafish?
Me: Ahuh. Yeah? You called just now right? Sorry, just now was my Grandpa. He didnt know.
Manager: Ouh. Haaha! Its okay, nvm.
& blah blah blah..
Omg. So funny! Hahaha.
& they really actually pronounce my name as "Na-Fish".
Hahaha! Oh god.
Alright. That's all i guess, i just dont know what else to post about. Haha! Ok goodbye.
I can't believe that i stayed home for this past few days.
Ok no, actually today only. Haha! It's so bored that it feels like i've been staying home for so long already. oh gosh. i so need to get out!
Im glad that tmrw im going out with Nifa and Aisha. Going Swimming. Yeay!
Just now, Called Macdonald for our Dinner.
I ordered 2 Mcspicy, Than, They sent only 1 Mcspicy & instead of another Mspicy they gave us Chicken Mcnugget.
I called back, as bro told me to do so. Than.. After all the talk,
The phone operator say the manager will call us.
While waiting.. Mum gave my Grandpa the Mcnugget.
Me: Umi, Why you give the Mcnugget to Grandpa?
Mum: Why?
Me: We didnt order, then wanna give back.
Mum: Nvm la. No need, just eat.
Me: Later the Manager call..
Bro: Igonre uh? Hahahah!
Than the manager call the house. None of us wanna answer.
So, bro asked Grandpa to act like "wrong-number."
Grandpa: Halooooo!
Manager: *Talk*
Grandpa: You say what?
Manager: *Talk*
Grandpa: *Laugh*
Manager: *Talk*
Grandpa: You got wrong number.
End call. I laugh like hell after they put down! and mum was like, so bad laaaa you guys!
Hahahahahaa! Then they call again. So i answered.
Manager: Hello, can i speak to Nafish?
Me: Ahuh. Yeah? You called just now right? Sorry, just now was my Grandpa. He didnt know.
Manager: Ouh. Haaha! Its okay, nvm.
& blah blah blah..
Omg. So funny! Hahaha.
& they really actually pronounce my name as "Na-Fish".
Hahaha! Oh god.
Alright. That's all i guess, i just dont know what else to post about. Haha! Ok goodbye.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
im waiting for your msg, still.

Finally! I repeat, Finally! I got the leftout pictures from Iman already.
The leftout pictures of Convocation day & Raye. Pheww~
Now, i dont have to chase after him no more. Rigggght Iman? Hahaha.
Will be going out to Sis Boyf's house later. Haha. Yeap.
Sis is currently stress, she doesnt know what to wear. -__-"
Im currently Listening to "Live your life".
I have been repeating the song. i so wanna meet T.I! Ok wth.
Anyways, Went out with Sis Ytd. Then, At night went to Changi to have our dinner with Family & Brother's Girlf tag along too.
So long since we had dinner together. i enjoy ytd.
till here. i miss 4t1 alot.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
pissed man, pissed!

Its 2plus in the morning, and im not on bed yet.
I can't sleep. I just aint sleepy or even tired. Grrrr.
This is so irritating, like, Everybody's on bed at this hour and your the only one awake at home. kinda scary, sometimes. Hahaha! Gosh.
Wednesday plan, That is going out with Lyna, Fateh & Nabil is Canceled. Plan on another day.
Cause im going to Sis Boyfriend's House. It is his birthday. Yeah! [:
Friday im going swimming with Neloofa & Aisha.
Its been so long already! Haha. Friday pleaaaaaaase come fast! Please.
&& Haiqal, Meet up soon okay?
Today is your last paper, riggggggggght? All the best okay!
After your paper, we'll meet anyday when we both are free okay.
Currently chatting with Margaret & Piggy. Haha!
Ouh btw, Happy 15th Birthday Dinie Asyraf! [: Take care.
Ouh &&, i just had a conversation with my friend, very funny;
A Friend: eh singapore already banned porn sites u noe?
Naf: Really? Why eh?
A Friend: Idk? Crazy siah.
Naf: Hahahaahahahaahahahahhaa!
A Friend: Hais. Now spore banned pornsites, cannot go in anymore.
Naf: AHAHAHA! alalala.. So you cannot go in la ni?
A Friend: Take care uh, singapore will have a rise of horny boys.
Naf: Thats why uh! Omggggggggggggg!
A Friend: Haha! Got pornsites, Spore boys like freak already. What abt no pornsites?
Naf: Ya seh! Cannot imagine seh!
A Friend: Sporean Boys will be a zombie eh, zombie that rape girls.
Naf: AHAHA! i lock all my doors/windows seh. Then my bro and dad, i kick them out!
Omg. What a conversation! Funny friend. His name shall be kept a secret. Okok, i guess i'll stop here okay. Goodnight.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Reply me! Ahhh!
I didnt went out today, same goes for ytd. Gosh.
Mum plan to catch a movie later on, but then it was canceled. Bcause they were no fun movie that we wanted to watch. Daaaaaaaaamn.
Im bored. I seriously am. Haha!
Ytd night conference with Lyna and Fateh. Sadly, Nabil couldnt call. Nvm. Cya Guys on Wednesday!
I miss my classmates, aloooooooot.
Ash! Im so excited to see you with your new beyonce's haircut! Omg.
now, i feel like cutting my hair short. idk. im confused.
i love short hair more than long hair. Haha! Haish. Now idk.
I so gotta make up my mind. Damn.
I better go now. Bye.
I didnt went out today, same goes for ytd. Gosh.
Mum plan to catch a movie later on, but then it was canceled. Bcause they were no fun movie that we wanted to watch. Daaaaaaaaamn.
Im bored. I seriously am. Haha!
Ytd night conference with Lyna and Fateh. Sadly, Nabil couldnt call. Nvm. Cya Guys on Wednesday!
I miss my classmates, aloooooooot.
Ash! Im so excited to see you with your new beyonce's haircut! Omg.
now, i feel like cutting my hair short. idk. im confused.
i love short hair more than long hair. Haha! Haish. Now idk.
I so gotta make up my mind. Damn.
I better go now. Bye.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
just like poison ;

Got home ard 12plus. Im tired but i dont feel like sleeping! Haha. Yeap.
Below is some of the pictures. The rest are at Facebook.

Yeap. That's all, i guess? I mean for the pictures. Haha.
Tmrw i won't be going out. Maulud has already started at home, again. Every sunday.
So it'll be hard for me to hang out on Sunday. Damn.
But hey, why not every sunday stay at home? Haha. Help mum cook.
Nafisah must learn how to cook! i need to! i want to! i must to!
I missed both my Tamil & Hindustan Show Ytd at Vasantham. Dammmmn.
Plus, it was the best show for Hindustan, & fave hero for tamil.
Dammmmmmn la. Hahaha!
Nah. Nevermind. Atleast, I had fun outside. Riggggggggggggggggght?
Okay so..
Currently, chatting with both Alfie & Khai.
They both have been Quarreling from just now! Oh god. Haha! Funny.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
one man, one woman.
Life's been good for me. Yeah. Haha.
That's how i can think of what to post about. Lame, i know.
So anyways,
Went to meet Amir ytd. I had a total fun! (:
I keep on going to washroom due to drinking alot of soda, & oh god! the washroom was so far away. Haha! Im so sorry Amir.
From Tampines to Whampoa to Bradell to Toa payoh then, Home Sweet Home.
Anyways, Top-up soon Piggy! =P
Hmmm.. Okay.
Few msges to The lovely peoples;
Neloofa : Thanks for backing-up! I owe you one babe.
Mardea/Shafiee/Aisha : I swear i miss ya'll alot! Sleep my house soon, okay?
Haiqal : Sorry i couldn't meet you. I miss you.
Ash : Online soon! I'll pass you my Pw for blogger. Haha!
Piggy : Once again, Top-up soon! Haha.
Ellyna/Siti : Waaah! Aku rindu krg. Bile nak klua nie?! Haha.
Nisha : Hang out more, okay baby?
Lyna/Fateh/Nabil : Im so excited that we will be meeting later on! Whoo!
Sister : Happy 23rd Birthday! I love you so much.
Uncle Patrick : Thanks for the advice!
The world : Goodnight.
btw, i seriously need that left-side picture remove.
Life's been good for me. Yeah. Haha.
That's how i can think of what to post about. Lame, i know.
So anyways,
Went to meet Amir ytd. I had a total fun! (:
I keep on going to washroom due to drinking alot of soda, & oh god! the washroom was so far away. Haha! Im so sorry Amir.
From Tampines to Whampoa to Bradell to Toa payoh then, Home Sweet Home.
Anyways, Top-up soon Piggy! =P
Hmmm.. Okay.
Few msges to The lovely peoples;
Neloofa : Thanks for backing-up! I owe you one babe.
Mardea/Shafiee/Aisha : I swear i miss ya'll alot! Sleep my house soon, okay?
Haiqal : Sorry i couldn't meet you. I miss you.
Ash : Online soon! I'll pass you my Pw for blogger. Haha!
Piggy : Once again, Top-up soon! Haha.
Ellyna/Siti : Waaah! Aku rindu krg. Bile nak klua nie?! Haha.
Nisha : Hang out more, okay baby?
Lyna/Fateh/Nabil : Im so excited that we will be meeting later on! Whoo!
Sister : Happy 23rd Birthday! I love you so much.
Uncle Patrick : Thanks for the advice!
The world : Goodnight.
btw, i seriously need that left-side picture remove.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Hello again.
So now, i have change my blogskin. Finally.
Its just that i want to change the pictures on the left hand-side. & some fonts.
for the pictures on the left hand-side, i need anyone's help.
Or not, i have to ask Ash for a help. Haha.
Its just that i want to change the pictures on the left hand-side. & some fonts.
for the pictures on the left hand-side, i need anyone's help.
Or not, i have to ask Ash for a help. Haha.
make me your selection.

Nafisah Have not been updating much! Sorry. Haha! :D
So anyways,
Below is all the pictures that i went out with Lyna, Fateh, Nabil, Afee, Alffi & Khairi.
I swear i had lots of fun with them! eventhough i was quite upset.

So yeah. That's all the pictures. More are at Facebook? Haha! Yeah.
Ytd, Oct 14, went out with Neloofa. I miss her alot! Now still.
Went to Esplanade. I wasn't late, rigggggggght Neloofa? First time uh. Haha! Ehem.
Should have ask you to treat me ice cream seh. Grr. Hahaha!
Evening, Fateh texted, he was suppose to come but sadly he couldnt make it. ):
Nvm. See you on saturday bestfriend! Haha.
Okok, then Nabil & Nisha came along. Then, Nisha have to go. So left Neloofa, Nabil & Me.
Had a loooooong talk/gossip. Hahaha! Nice.
Okaaaaaaaaaaaay. Till here, Alright? Tcare.
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