I've not been updating much lately. sorry. Been busy studying.
Hahahaha! But seriously.
Trust me, no one will trust me that i studied, but i did okay. [:
Hahahaha! But seriously.
Trust me, no one will trust me that i studied, but i did okay. [:
So anyways, this is the convocation pictures.
The rest of the Convocation Pictures are with Iman.
Currently, chasing after him for the pictures! Hahaha. Yeah~
So, last Monday studied with the boys plus Elly. At WS macd.
Here's all the pictures that the boys took.

The picture above, the guy beside me, Yusuf, stress with me..
Cos he's been trying to teach me, and i've been laughing alot. Gah!
So yesterday went to study at CWP, with Fateh, Lyna & Nabil.
I had to Buy Lyna 2 ice cream cos i was late.
Was supposed to meet her at 1200, but i came at 1220 or 1225? Haha.
Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! =p
Alrighty. I have to get ready already.
Going to study at WS Lib with Haiqal, Elly & Siti. Yeah~
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