Monday, March 30, 2009

currently, at school now.
having extra class. but, the not F&N students are in too. so yar.
i dont mind. we're classmates. haha.
the boys are so kecoh playing Counter Strike. so funnnnnnn! hahah.
Ash is beside me, so as Lyna.
waiting for mdm sahrul to come! and, Ash is nervous.
she scared that mdm sahrul scold her cos she not a f&n student.
As the rest of the not f&n student has left already. EXCEPT HEEEEEER!
[making her more nervous.] she's beside me.
in the morning at Quadrangle, read newspaper and abt this guy named "Bala kuppasamy".
i named him, samy boy. haha.
Ash : MR.BALAKUPPASAMY[indian accent], you have been arrested under the section 514A for allegadly raping countless numbers of girls.
Naf & Lyna : *Laughing*
hahahaha. outta here.
byeeee samy boy.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
today didnt went out. yeah.
did my homework already. and also, did some studying. ^^
as usual, later having maulud.
mum's cooking my fave dish, Sotong Masak Hitam! yummmmay!
time table changed already for tmrw.
got PE every monday. @!$#^$&^$#&^#&!!
i want it on friday. hmph.
tmrw got extra class. hahaha.
i got really nothing to post abt.
im outta here.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
it just look short.

School was G R E A T! yeap.
first lesson was EBS. one of the cher didnt come, so there's a relief teacher.
and somemore, my relief cher is my faveeeeeeeeee cher ! he's so C-U-T-E.
after that was maths. i've not been enjoying maths for this few weeks.
the topic that we're learning is oh so dry. argh.
then we had CME.
which we have to present our Project.
and, i think we're gonna do well. because of Ash speech, and our presentation.
not to forget, our groupwork.
but.. i think the whole class will pass. i hope so!
we had English class then.
thanks to Ash for pushing me in the 4N1 class. luckily, not into the class.
but went near the door, and i stop myself before going in more. ahaha!
english class wasn't boring.
we talked alot. yes alot.
even, mrs rajan say that we all mad ah. cos of being so hyper. haha.
Ash and me we're talking across the class. so as others.
some were shouting. and playing ard. haha.
Fun Ah.

then schooool is over for the day! phewwwww.
went home, bath then went out again with sis.
go geylang. meet up mom at her shop.
then went to eat. go joo chiat to take sis engagement stuffs.
that's for the day. =p

see, look short right ? my hair.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
its like a prostitude turning into someone new, making changes in her life.
its more like a life.
i take a look at it right after Ash looked.
then one of the cher came to me, and asked me for the book. she wanna look at it.
i didnt know that she will caught. cause its just a MOTHERFUCKING BOOK!
then Ash told the cher its her book. which is suppose to be Lyna's book.
the cher called mrs.rajan. Argh Great. why her ?
we're so gonna be in deep shit.
but now, Ash is in deep shit.
Oh God please help heeeeeeeeeeeeer ! :(
Sorry Ash.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
i just finish searching for my final recipe. oh yay. hopefully, its not rejected. HAHA.
in the morning, i was really rushing to catch up my bus.
when i heard the church bell rang, it means that im on time.
Oh. everytime go sch, have to pass by a church.
so yeah, guess what ? the church betrayed me. ahaha!
i was not on time. infact, the bus betrayed me. GAH. =.="
so, i took 39 but the later timing. the bus was pack. Argh.
and, i realise that got this apek very good ah. he knows where to find seat.
its like, he will stand near a person who is sitting, then like few stops later, the person go down already. so, he got the sit.
i mean like, so fast he got the sit. like he knows the person going down.
haha. his luck.
reached sch already. was damn thirsty.
oh, i told Lyna to buy drink for me. so phewwwww ! Thanks Lyna & Ash.
i'll pay u guys up. since, i dont rmbr to pay just know. sorry.
but, i will pay tmrw. Hahaha.
i told mum to buy for me fish n chip. Haha.
i did some research, then saw fish n chip. so i feel like eating it.
plus, fish n chip is also my final recipe. phewwww~
im really really really sleepy now. oh god.
after my coursework, im going to bed. i guess ? haha.
i feel like sleeping on the comp table. *yawn*
Monday, March 23, 2009
i repeat. UNBELIEVEABLE[!!!]
i just wanted to say this as a hint;
ya'll know what i mean. right?
To Margaret and Elly, lets play along with this. this would be fun. right ma babies ?
AHAHAHHAHAHA! i am so lovin it.
school was absolutely fine. yar.
english class ? did nothing much. cher advice us. oh yeah!
during cpa, ahahha! great great.
idk what's with siti. she's like so blur today.
ok here is what happen,
siti wanted to msg her friend during CPA lesson.
then she put the phone at her skirt, and she dont know what she press then got the camera sound. L O U D ! hahah.
then her face freakin panic! i laugh like hell. very funny her reaction. Hahah! ti oh ti.
the rest of the lesson was..yar alrght.
After School,
Margaret, Siti, Elly, Lyna & Myself went to WS. follow Mar go shopping. ahaha!
buy her sister stuff and hers. and, for somebody special. ahahah!
elly saw her bro at macd. then she went home with her bro. the rest of us headed home.
Oh and, im jealous of Fazlyna phone!argh. go suck balls ah! HAHAHAH.
sui bian ah. [margaret teach]
to the person who spams on margaret blog,
Saturday, March 21, 2009
i talk things out with elly already. so yeah, we're okay now.
thanks to the people who help us alot! thank you so much.
well, i miss si Gile[elly] tu so much! hahaha.
currently, chatting with her.
and viewing videos that she pass to me. haha.
im still not done with my recipe. oh God. im dead.
sch is starting soon. @#$^&#%@!$#~!!!
i miss friends, but not school. hahaha.
ok. im out.
friendship isn't doing well this holidays.
i thot i had a strong bestf that will be there for me no matter what. but, that prove me wrong.
ok. lets get to the point. elly decided to give up on our friendship.
i couldnt force her not to. cos, its her life. her choice. her thought.
but, i try my best not to break our friendship.
i told her, we must help each other to fix us.
u cant expect me to be on this problem all alone. right?
im not saying its her fault.
its both our fault. wether u agree it or not elly.
its both our fault cos, we were not helping each other. and you just gave up like that.
every problem there's always a solution for it.
and u said that u have siti & acad student to cheer u up ? how selfish can u be to say like that ? that really hurts me.
even tough im with the others, i have never ever say like that.
because i know Siti & Elly will always be my bestfriend.
does bestf has to be together every min in sch ? see, i also wanna go ard with the others.
when u were with others, i didnt even say a word. i didnt even say that i wanna gave up on our friendship or any other else.
well, i guess that's it. its her decision. not mine.
so as the rest too. like Iqal, Dinie, Zik and others.
went to lepak at 126. some play badminton, while others sit and talk².
after that, Nifa, Linah, Sab, Iqal, Dinie, Zik & myself had a bite at KFC. st 11.
Linah & Sab headed home.
the rest went to Lepak again.
dinie % iqal picture i cant upload. dont know why my USB. will upload soon.
to ellyna,
i told you. we have to help each other to fix us ?
do you really want to break this friendship ? i dont want to.
come on elly. we got to help each other.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
im trying to make myself sleepy here. facing the comp all day is tiring, BUT NOT SLEEPY.
i wanna go to bed like everyone else. tsk. BUT NOT SLEEPY.
sis is having a nice time sleeping on bed.
and im wondering what to do after playing the comp. STILL NOT SLEEPY.
oh god.
i wish i had a boyfirend, so that can call and talk all day.
atleast i did something rather than thinking what to do. GAH!
actually, not only boyfriend. friends also can right!
dad isn't home yet. wth is he ? please come back soon.
its weird when i want him to come back soon, as if he's gonna entertain me. ahahha!
no lah. atleast he's not asleep right when he's home.
ok. maybe i should stop talking abt this. ok no. stop typing. argh! ok bye.
S T I L L N O T S L E E P Y !
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
went to razali house at, machperson. for his bday party.
suppose to meet Lyna at 5.40pm but i came late. i dont wanna tell what time i reach. GAH!
sorry baby.
went to buy razali a pink bday card. as pink is his fave colour. jyeah. haha.
dina called. meet dina at tamp small mac. then came Iman & Ayid.
stayed there for awhile. buy burgers for ourself, packed, and eat it inside bus.
i cant believe i saw Ajib. haha! but, phewwww, he didnt saw me.
but he did msg me and ask wether i go tamp inter or not. so he saw me. ok nvm. IDK!
took bus there. reached at ard 7plus, i guess.
meet the rest like Anaa, Ain, gerwyn, iqbal & the others all at razali house.
Anaa, Anaa sis, Ain & gerwyn has to go home first.
iqbal & the others wanted to go to Grandlink. they told us to come along.
but, we just reached. so we stayed there. as they go first.
left bday boy[razali], Lyna, Ayid, Iman, Dina & myself again. we lepak there.
talk abt funny things happen in class. all those times.
then, talk about ghost stories. talk about machperson is a haunted place. talk abt all things that we've experience. seram!
and, iman make a scary face. trust me, scary gileeeeeee ! pfft!
we even scold him for doing that.
then, when lepak. this is what happen,
Naf : eh, takot seh aku nak balek. aku call kakak aku ah suruh amek kat bwh block.
Lyna : sa, pinjam hp. aku pon suruh abg aku amek.
[few seconds later]
iman : called his dad. "pa, nnti amek iman eh kat bwh. iman takot."
Ayid : eh, aku pon suruh abg aku amek ah.
dina : ahahha!
funny seh, every each of us called someone to pick us up. except for dina.
chey dina! maot ah. haha.
then razali keep on making his funny laugh. but, at that point of time not funny, but SCARY!
all felt very awkard.
then at 10plus, we decided to go home. and not to go to the Grandlink. sorry Iqbal.
took cab home.
we realise that the taxi driver didnt want to take us cos 5 people.
so then i hide behind them. then one cab stop, so we go in.
the cab driver didnt even know there's five person. GAH!
went to lyna place first, then dina.
after dina place,
Cab driver : eh! got 5 people ah!
Naf : errrr.
ayid : hehehh.
iman : *silents*
cab driver : walaoe ! cannot u know! haiyaaa, 5 people! cannot lah! if i know ah, i nvr pick u all up ah.
naf/ayid/iman : *laughing*
then stop at ayid's place. all of us go down.
ni ah the taxi driver. grrrr. say one place only after that no more.
then i took 17 home.
and there, the pictures :

Saturday, March 14, 2009
yday, i was so bored that i decided to take all the pictures of my winnie the pooh collection.
yes. i like winnie the pooh alot. GAH!
looking forward to have T.I and Chris brown poster! hahaha.
and thanks for the one who bought me the winnie the pooh yeah.
im having headache right now. since yday.
for one reason, i've not eaten yet. and the other reason is, because of this yellow sit in the picture below. someone turn the sit when im sitting. and there, i headache. HAHA.
gg out later to razali bday party. but, gg to TampMall first to buy his bday present.
and lastly,
HAPPY 17th BURSTDAY RAZALI!may all yr wishes and dreams come true.
semoga Allah panjangkan umur & murahkan rezeki yeah.
take care, cya later.
Friday, March 13, 2009
why ?
cause we're suppose to assemble at pasir ris park by 745, but we reached there at ard 9plus. gosh.
we had our morning breakfast at Whitesand Macd. stayed and lepak there, then at 9 we decided to walked to Pasir ris park.
upper sec was suppose to run at 930, as it is stated on the paper. that's the reason we wanted to came late. but, when we reached there the students started running already.
talked to mr.sukaimi, and he said the cross country is over.
but, we still decided to run. and ended up lost at there. i mean like, there's suppose to be councillor or someone to lead us but, no one.
we walked back to where they assemble. Mdm Aisha started scolding us. ARGH!
after cross country,
we proceed to downtown east. then the boys called, then meet them back.
otw to whitesand, got playground. we lepak there, and took pictures.
im tired. HAHA.
eventhough nvr run, i walk alot. serious.
Thursday, March 12, 2009

i think i should post long². cause i realised that my post is all short, and boring. GAH!
okay. todaaaaaaaaay!
sch was as per normal. in the morning at quadrangle got scolded by cher cause i was talking.
cher make a new rule for the class.
if one girl talk, the whole girls stayback. same goes to the boys.
its like "Girls Vs Boys". Hah.
after sch, went for detention. half an hour. ahaha!
went with Huda, Siti and Nabilah.
After detention, bought oreo choc bubble tea for myself.
and argh!i put my bubble tea beside my bag, then when i swing my bag to the back it hit my bubble tea and, fall. all bocoh. wasted.
i pick it up, and go ahead drinking it. i dont wanna waste my money man.
so yeah, just drink. even Huda. ahahaha! i dont think its disgusting, cause its with a plastic.
even if its not, still not disgusting.
If you think its disgusting, booohooo!get a life. ;p
come on, we're lucky yknow. look at the poor people at other countries, so sad. :(
Oh, i watched "Slumdog Millionaire" already.
i love the movie. ahahah!
tmrw there's cross country. had to run 4 ****ing km. pfft.
every student in the school has to come.
im missing alot of people like Nabs, Nifa, Min, Iqal, Dinie and Niki.
there's 1 week holiday, so yaaaaaay! can meet them, lepak kays ?
reached home at 4.22pm. i rmbr, cos when i step in the door of my house, i looked at the time.
HEHEHEH! put my bag aside, and laid down at the couch. fall asleep till 7plus, with sch uniform.
S-O U-N-C-O-M-F-O-R-T-A-B-L-E.