i really really really miss, NABS & NIFA. please meet up soon babies! haha.
its has been so long, we never meet. HAHAH.
and, i LOVE the pic above. heheheh.
okaaaay, today.
sch was great.
im not really half-dead but, wasn't in a mood for a while. ahah!
first period was PE,
we did shuttle run and standingbroad jump.
[idk the spelling is right or not, but who cares.]
ahahah! the boys were playing ard with cher when doing shuttle run.
when cher blow the whistle, 2 of the boys were running very slow.
then blow again, they were doing all kinds of stuff.
cher kept on asking them to do, until they did properly.
After that was, Math.
very funny.
we were asked to go to our groupwork. so we did.
my members was, Ikah, Ash & Lyna.
then, we need to do some marking, and, cher told us to exchange paper with another group.
Daniel didnt know where to pass his group paper. so, he pass to our group.
but, we already have a paper. so we need to mark 2 papers.
then, hahaha.. Lyna like looking for someone paper, then when she saw daniel's paper,
she faster² take his paper.
and we all like "ehhhh, daniel one siahhh!" and lyna "bluek! ahaha! i got first."
and, Lyna write on his paper "Hot siah." ahahahahah!
dont worry, he knows. we were like teasing him. but yar, he is hot. and somemore, very shy boy.
and Lyna wrote "Ash says that ur hot". without Ash knowing. GAH!
but hey, Ash also were like yaaaar. he is hot! ahahah!
pass to Daniel back the paper. then he read, he kept smiling. and he looked paisey.
then when he saw us, he gave us the shy smile. ahahah! dan dan..
during eng,
cher say, "SHARIFAH!!! SHUUUUT UUUUP!" AHAHAHAH! As Usual lah.
then, did some worksheet.
one question is kinda tricky.. like, True of False. the ques very tricky.
then i shout the answer FALSEEEEEEE !
then then then,
cher : Sharifah, stand up.
Me : alah, why ?
shamir : diri je.
so i stand up.
then cher ask what's my anws. i said false.
then cher asked about the ques. and im like, oh yaaar, true of false ?
but, cher wasnt scolding me. and also, the WHOLE CLASS answ was FALSE.
tmrw then will know the anw.
After Sch, went home with Anaa.
Elly & Siti didnt turn up for school. alahai, so boring. tmrw come k ?
Ah Fcuk. i cant leave a space for this Post. pfft!
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