went to razali house at, machperson. for his bday party.
suppose to meet Lyna at 5.40pm but i came late. i dont wanna tell what time i reach. GAH!
sorry baby.
went to buy razali a pink bday card. as pink is his fave colour. jyeah. haha.
dina called. meet dina at tamp small mac. then came Iman & Ayid.
stayed there for awhile. buy burgers for ourself, packed, and eat it inside bus.
i cant believe i saw Ajib. haha! but, phewwww, he didnt saw me.
but he did msg me and ask wether i go tamp inter or not. so he saw me. ok nvm. IDK!
took bus there. reached at ard 7plus, i guess.
meet the rest like Anaa, Ain, gerwyn, iqbal & the others all at razali house.
Anaa, Anaa sis, Ain & gerwyn has to go home first.
iqbal & the others wanted to go to Grandlink. they told us to come along.
but, we just reached. so we stayed there. as they go first.
left bday boy[razali], Lyna, Ayid, Iman, Dina & myself again. we lepak there.
talk abt funny things happen in class. all those times.
then, talk about ghost stories. talk about machperson is a haunted place. talk abt all things that we've experience. seram!
and, iman make a scary face. trust me, scary gileeeeeee ! pfft!
we even scold him for doing that.
then, when lepak. this is what happen,
Naf : eh, takot seh aku nak balek. aku call kakak aku ah suruh amek kat bwh block.
Lyna : sa, pinjam hp. aku pon suruh abg aku amek.
[few seconds later]
iman : called his dad. "pa, nnti amek iman eh kat bwh. iman takot."
Ayid : eh, aku pon suruh abg aku amek ah.
dina : ahahha!
funny seh, every each of us called someone to pick us up. except for dina.
chey dina! maot ah. haha.
then razali keep on making his funny laugh. but, at that point of time not funny, but SCARY!
all felt very awkard.
then at 10plus, we decided to go home. and not to go to the Grandlink. sorry Iqbal.
took cab home.
we realise that the taxi driver didnt want to take us cos 5 people.
so then i hide behind them. then one cab stop, so we go in.
the cab driver didnt even know there's five person. GAH!
went to lyna place first, then dina.
after dina place,
Cab driver : eh! got 5 people ah!
Naf : errrr.
ayid : hehehh.
iman : *silents*
cab driver : walaoe ! cannot u know! haiyaaa, 5 people! cannot lah! if i know ah, i nvr pick u all up ah.
naf/ayid/iman : *laughing*
then stop at ayid's place. all of us go down.
ni ah the taxi driver. grrrr. say one place only after that no more.
then i took 17 home.
and there, the pictures :

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