Friday, January 30, 2009
Loaaaaaaaads of laughter. Plus, scolding. Hahahahaa!
Elly and Siti didn’t attend sch. Again. =.=
Soooo boring. Get well soon yeah krg. Haha.
After sch, went to GO with Huda. To take her ezlink card.
Waited for Mr Anwar like hell. Huda asked for her ezlink, then Anwar say wait here.
For like 20 Min, Anwar didn’t come back.
And we went searching for him.
Ask other teacher, all say don’t know. And one teacher, she say he go prayers.
Will be back SOON.
Then wait and wait till 1 hour tau! 1 hour. Still takde.
Then the other cher say, Anwar gonna be back ard 4.
Should have tell earlier kaaaan! %$@@%*&*$ ! Pantat btol.
After that, went home.
Teman sis go TM to pawn shop. Yeah.
And at last, reach TM. Then tak jadi go Pawn shop. =.=
Buat penat je. Hahaha.
I feel like eating Mcdonald. Hha!
Gonna ask mum. Hope caaaan order! Yaaaay. Haha.
Ate char mee for lunch.
Haha, and I miss someone char mee. Haha. You know yourself. ^^
Thursday, January 29, 2009
hahaha. boringggg siah.
kk, got home ard 2 plus. or 3.
mum cook Ketaaaam! yummay.
have a bite with sis, then thought of resting. but ended up, sleeping till 8. HAHA.
so yeah, just woke up. *yawn*
Later sis boyfie coming to meet dad. :O ! haha.
so lets hope everything is great. yaaaay.
and to Nifa, all the best for tmrw.
have fuuuuuuun bby! ilysm.
just got our coursework file and stuffs. Margaret is beside me. haha.
decided to sit beside her. she can help me. right margaret? ^^
Oh, and also Syafiqah.
Teacher is busy collecting file while im posting. muahahah.
i wont be posting again when i reach home. yeah maybe.
im so tired.
Elly, Siti and Ash didnt attend sch. =.=
fucking bored. plus, today lesson is all boringgggg ! tsk.
please let sch end fast. HAHA.
Syafiqah : huh?for our N level coursework dont have internet ?
Margaret : yeap.
Me : haha, yeah.
Margaret : you must save all your coursework thingy in the thumbdrive before N level.
Me : ahaha! yeah, must save at the thumbdrive first.
Syafiqah : Oh. then cannot save internet inside the Thumbdrive ?
Margaret : =.= huh?
Me : ahahahahahahahhahahahahhaa!
Syafiqah : hahahaha.
Funny ah syafiqah. ^^
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
During PE played table tennis. which i find it fucking hard to play. seriously.
Maths class was great today. i just dont know why. ahaha!
school end at 1pm. yaaay.
After school, went home. met Fadhullah to pass $2, cos we all share money to buy fareez a cake.
a chocolate cake. yummmm !
its his bday. haha. kesian kaki die. get well soon yeah.
went home, changed.
then lepak with them. wait for Dinie & Iqal to come. so LATE ! haha. but nvm.
they came, then all went up to Fareez house. While Hydher take the Choco Cake at his house.
i mean like, to keep it cool. u know..
so yeah, Fareez Bro told us to came in. and fareez was like "heyyyy[looking ard]".. HAHA.
Fadh came in last with the bday cake, and we sang for Fareez.
had a bite, chit chat and took some pic. but, i dont have it. the pic. haha.
then went to lepaaaaak at STAR.
and Ard 7pm ? went home.
Monday, January 26, 2009
the day before yday, sleep at Nabs Crib.
then yday, went to sleep at Nabs sis house. [As in my, kak sedare.]
family all were there. haha. so kecoh.
then, in the morning, went out to East Coast Park.
all kecoh say going to wake up at 6am, but end up wake up at ard 9+ ? haha, yeah.
Reach there, Super Duper Hot Sunny day. plus, very fucking pack. tsk.
Abg Zaidi, Fiee, Nabs & Myself reach there first.
Cos, we have to find a nice spot. heeeee,
Oh, when reach there i vommit. hahaha. cos so pening seh, then haven't eat anything. HAHA!
then, few hours later,
the rest all came. then eat and all.
Then yeah, go in the sea.
the fun part is we played frisbee. FUCKING FUNNNNNN ! HAHAHA.
and we took loads of pictures.
here it goes ;

this wont be a proper post yeah, will update it MAYBE tmrw. hehe.
Friday, January 23, 2009
bought a cake for her. which she cried about.
Oh and, thanks margaret for the cake. i mean, the money. ok both. haha.
took pictures and video.
but, sorry i didnt have the video.
so yeah, the pictures ;

to Ash, there you go your pic up there ok ? hahaha.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
but hell no. tsk.
But hey, look on the bright side, tmrw sch end early whaaaat. Hha!
Ok, when i was sleeping just now, Mom called me. so yar, i answered.
after the call end, i didnt look at the time, and im like "[Panic Way] Oh Man! fast siah 5am already.
im still sleepy and have to go to school now."
HAHA, Guess what ? when i look at my Hp, its only 19.42pm.
HAHAHAHHAA! nasa nasa..
well, today sch was okay.
Ash Thomas Cullen is being so hyper active! hahaha.
Oh and, she changed her name.
Thomas is for Jason Thomas Mraz. And, cullen is for Edward Cullen[robert Thomas pattinson].
grrrrrrr. Two Dude ah you Biatch! hahahaha. Both Thomas somemore eh.
hahaha! will call them the Thomas. hah!
hahahahhaa! ty ty ty.
well, tmrw after sch im having a date with Margaret. ^^
and after that, meeting Nifa and go lepak.
so yeah, its only a short post for today.
cos Ash Thomas Cullen cant waaait for this post! hahahaha.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
school was okay just now, even F&N class. ahahahaa!
School end at ard 2/3 plus. cos got chinese new year celebration. Hha!
trust me, the peformance is so boooooring.=.=
After the concert.
i look for Mdm shahrul cos i need the F&N class key, as we F&N student left our bags in there.
Cher told us to left the bags ah. so leceh! hahahahaa,
so yeah. i got the key already, then went to F&N class.
classmate all wait outside. then, i cant open the door cos of the key lah! hahaha.
then all like very kecohhhh! making me nervous. Hahahaha!
after one another tried still cant. and Finally, Iman open it. ahahahaha! phewwwww.
Siti has to rush home.
so yeah, went home with Fazlyna. chatted + laughed.
then went home. Hha!
After that, lepaaaaak.
at ard 4+ went home. ahahaha!
Oh and, i got three oranges from Mdm shahrul! yummaaaaay!
well, now waiting for Macdonald for my dinner. Hha!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Oh and, the Mindmap i was right! weeee~
no scolding from cher today. nyahahahahaa.
Eat oranges during F&N class. Hha!
cher ask if anyone wants it, and im like "MEEEE ! i want." hahahaha!
so tatau malu siah nasa. gah!
and even, khairul pon mkn jugak.
and end up, the rest pon eat jugak. ahahahahaha! ;p
After school, bought myself a bubble tea & choco waffle.
and i spill the choco at my uniform and also, my skirt. =.=
took 39 with, Siti, Huda, Wanie, Amirul, Syahid & Fendi. hahahaaa!
very very very kecoh.
Huda, Amirul, Syahid, Fendi & myself sit at the very back row.
Wanie & siti have to seat at the front, near the door. hha!
infront of syahid, theres this woman who were otp.
and syahid switch on a song on his hp, and he was singing².
then the woman, turn and gave us a pissed off look. then we all laugh like hell.
then she turn again and roll her eyes. hahahaa!
then, my hp fell off infront of her. :O
and she didnt even pick it up! grrrrrr. hahaha!
maybe, she was like "hah! serve you right." hahahaha. ;p
then syahid pick it up for me. awwwh, thanks. hahahaa!
he pick it up cos he is going down also what. gah!
wanie lepak with me, as she wanna take her cousin at griff pri. so yeah.
then came, Yan. and lepaaaak. then Haslinah, Adah, and Fazira came.
and also, Nifa. hahahahha!
the rest went home early, so left me and Nifa.
then go Star. saw Palat! cheyyyy Nifa.
but trust me, Palat is supeeeeeeer hot. with his uni, his short black hair. ahahha!
wahhhh! nifa nifa.
Oh and, had dinner with mom at home.
Me : errr, umi.. nasa hilang nasa nye thumdrive seh. tsk.
Umi : hilang?mcm mane boleh hilang?
Me: tatau eh..
Umi : kau ape yg ade tak hilang sa ?
Me : ade, nasa tak hilang diri nasa. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ;D
umi : -_____________________-"
Me : ^^
was trying to make it not to be kecoh about thumbdrive, hahaha.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
im done with my F&N coursework mindmap.
trust me, i wasnt so sure about it. tsk.
so yarrrr. be prepared for scolding tmrw. tsktsktsk.
but hey, i think its correct. i think so!
errrrrrr.. okok, drop this topic. sheesh!
well, didnt went out today.
got no plan for the day, plus, im lazy to go out. =.= Hha!
As usual, having Maulud now.
and just now, i have to cut off the head and the leg of a big prawn.
a big big prawn. i think its a mummy prawn, must be ah. Hahahaa! okok.
and ewwwww, all the blood come out. *puke*
whoa, hahaha.
tmrw i have to go sch early. cos, i want siti to teach me my maths hw. hha!
but hey, luckily take cab. Ade driver kan. ehem ehem.
HAHAHA! chey, kidding eh.
and and,
i miss Nabs, Iqal, Nifa, Min, Dinie and Niki.
heh, hope to see you guys soon yeah.
kay, i have to take medicine before bed. pfft!
like everyday.
oh God.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009

kay. today, im late for school.
not only me. but with razdee & siti. im late bcoz thanks to razdee! haha. i have to wait for him at the bustop. until i miss my 1st,2nd,and 3rd bus. haha! and thanks to me & razdee, siti is late too! coz she wait for us. HAHAHA.
our hp is saved. haha.
we reach school at ard 7.30, but go in school at ard 7.45. hha! then came izwanni.
so yeah, she is with us too.
for the 15mins, we were thinking where to seal our hp. and finally found a place. hahaha.
came in, then spot check our bags.
got detention for 30mins. coz got in school after 7.45. =.=
and the worst part is, we have to run from 1st floor to 4th floor five times. five times tau!
HAHAH. penat ah! tsk.
okay. class for today are normal yeah. except maths class.
cher shout shout. haha.
after school, myself, huda, siti, bella & dee went to west plaza. bought bubble tea and choco waffle for myself. then proceed to bustop.
bella didnt take the same bus with us. so byebye bella! HAHAHA.
got home.
wash up, then take a nap.
after that.
wash up again, went out with bro to geylang to meet mom.
eat at a coffee shop with bro, mom, dad and myself.
hha! and we played a spelling game.
abg : eh sa, cam mane nak spell "accept"? aku lupe ah, heh.
me : haha. a-c-c-e-p-t .
abg : ohhh...kk.
dad : eh, spell die a-c-c-e-p-t lah.
me : ah, btol lah a-c-c-e-p-t. hahaha. =.=
dad : oh.. aba lagi pandai dari abg kau. haha.
me : eleh!
abg : *ignoring*
mom : *giggle*
me : kk, spell... hmmm. rainbow ? hahahah!
dad : =.=" senang lah! R-A-I-N-B-O-W lah! hahaha.
then we all continue the spelling and all.
after that, mom went to expo to meet sis cos got something on there.
dad dont know go where.
me & abg, naik motor go afghan. haha.
bought bubble tea. haha.
i order for abg wrongly. he wants a honeydew milkshake, but i order milktea. haha!
me : abg, kau nak milktea ke milkshake ah ?
abg : milkshake ah.
me : :O
abg : asl ?
me : aku gi order milktea. hahahaha!
abg : alamak! kau nie. tsk. mcm mane boleh salah ?
me : aku lupe. haha.
abg : lupe ? mcm mane kau boleh pass exam siah klau lupe.
me : hahahahahahahahahahhaa! otak aku nie unique.
abg & me : *laughing*
and yeah, now im home. (:
Oh and,
i lost my thumbdrive!!!which has all my coursework in it! DAMN!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
every thursday is always a bore at school. trust me.
ah yeah.
kay, im done with all my homeworks.
eh wait, not all. left only maths paper which is due on tues(20/1). haha.
kay good. then i got time to do. actually the dead line was tmrw, but then cher say give more time. hahaha, k best.
so yeah, this sat going to study with Elly && Siti. haha. yipeeee !
but have not plan yet. =.=
Tmrw got 3 period of Maths, baik sekali eh. =.="
Oh, Siglap is having a spot check, a "SUPRISE" spot check.
grrrrr. curse them damn it! hahaha.
so obviously, it can be tmrw? mon? or the following days. tsk.
some of the sec 3 students got their Hp confiscated, bcos of the "SUPRISE" spot check. :O
rabaaaaaaaaaaak seh.
and gosh, i got moreeeee projects coming soon.
EH NO! already showing now. tsk.
im craving for famous amous. hahaha.
Oh and, im sleepy. -____________-
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
siti, elly, lyna, eliza & myself got scolded for maths class, hahaha.
because we came in half and hour late. whoa.
ahahaha! she shout so loudly. ;O
we came in late because of, Ash sprain her ankle so badly.
then we all stay with her. HAHA.
then she was sent to hospital, then home.
so yeah Ash, take care of yourself bby.
ily alooot. (:
Oh yeah, took cab to school with siti.
and sumpah aku tak suke dgn cab driver tuuuu!perangai.
we ask him to send to the shop, then since we're late already, we asked him to wait then send us at sch.
then he like "tsk. where your sch at?"[in a rude way] then im like, its just few block away.gosh.
HAHAHA. we pay him what.
okayokay, have a bad stomach ache yday night. very very bad. ):
well, mom knew everything about what is going on yday.
she even comfort me, and the more she comfort me, i cried.
thaaaaaanks alot mom.
and also, thanks alot Nifa && Min!for comforting me too.
i wont be active on computer anymore.
its not because of studies. its just that, im getting bored with computer.
i mean like, nothing to do seh.
blog ? update. friendster also da boring. hahaha.
msn ? if chat, later things wont get right.
so yeah, i wont be active on comp from now on. okay.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
everyday sleepy eh. ;p
sch was normal.
and as usual, F&N class was terrible. ahahaha!
today cook.. errr, idk what's the recipe name. but it got bread and butter in it.
Got assembly today, and its very booooring!
i dont even listen to what my principal is talking about. listen lah, but lil bit only.
important one jeeee. ^^
After sch, myself & Ash accompany siti to go take the money at the shop.
half way walk, and stop at a block then siti aunt called, and siti said that we dont have to take the money.=.=
ahahha! and, suddenly it rain. =.="
and we waited like for few minutes. bcoz, after that its just drizzling.
all the way we walk back, Ash was making loads and loads of jokes!
siti and myself laugh like hell. hahaha.
and here's the one part when, Ash and myself were laughing like hell. but siti didnt laugh at all, was like so quieeeet. then i told Ash this,
Naf: eh. siti never layan us, she is like "what is going on"..
Ash: maybe she was like "errr, idk this two people laughing beside me, i just happen to walk beside them"...
Naf & Ash : *LOL*
Siti : *turn, and laugh²*
HAHAHAH. very kecoh seh.
they never fails to cheer me up. hahahhaa!
Oh and, i sawwwww Hazim! muhammad hazim! ahhhh!
my bestfrieeeeend! so long nvr see him. i miss him alooooooot!
HAHAHA. but, he is going to other country tmrw. ):
talk to him all, then go home.
after that, i saw Nifa, Dinie & Zik.
so yeah, lepaaaak with them.
then came Haslinah && Fiqah. so yeah, lepak till 6.
and now, here i am.
Monday, January 12, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009
firstly, my blog is so striking. hahaha.
Thanks alooooot Ash for editing!
woke up at 11am, because mum called.
she told me to go pasar geylang to bring all the stuffs home. so yeah.
reach geylang ard 1pm or 2pm. hahaha.
after that,
went home. and go out again, to afghan. with sis. to pay bills. yeah.
after pay bills all, go pasar malam there. and buy cheese hotdog.
so worth it.
its a fat cheese hotdog, and cost $1 onlyyyyyy. hahaha.
for me worth it. so yeah, i bought 3 cheese hotdog. ahahaha!
hotdog is sooooo my fave. yummay !
watch hindustan movie just now, at home.
great story. as usual, the hero[Imran khan] supeeeeeeer hot. muahahaha!
then now, having maulud.
again, as usual every sunday. haha yeah.
sleeping soon.
tmrw school, tsk.
okay byeeeee.
and and, i miss haiqal!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
i have to update long-long. Nabs told me so.
because of, i so looooooong never update.
okay, let see.
ah yeah.
i miss Nabs alooot, so long tak jumpe die.
since starting of the school. eh wait, b4 starting of the school.
kan shaaaaa ? haha.
met Nifa && Min yday. ard 6, i guess.
lepak at Star. then come, Dinie.
lepak till 8.00.
i didnt want to go home late. yeah.
I really really eat alooooot yday.
until, i went to toilet more than 5 times. tsk.
till i very frustrated. i stayed inside the toilet for so long.
okay shaaa,
this post + previous post, panjang kan.
hahaha. okay best.
Oh and,
i really hate the timing at the post. irritating. tsk.
friends, if you guys view my blog.
please please leave me you URL ok ?
coz someone accidentally deleted all my links. hahaha.
okay thaaaanks.

haha, okay.
so loooong i never update. hahaha.
currently, chatting with Nifa, Nabs, Gerwyn, Dina, Ain, Iqal and Dinie.
gerwyn, dina, and Ain play a trick on me.
they told me they accidentally deleted my blog. and i fall on their trick. =.="
but, i get back on them. i act angry, and they all "NASA, SORRY ! " hahaha.
im really pissed off by Dinie. tsk.
and yar, thanks gerwyn for editing my blog !
didnt went out today. got no plan.
infact, i do my EBS coursework. and im done with it ! YAAAAY!
but then, i got CPA & Maths to do. tsk.
and yeah.
now everytime i go sch, took cab.
wait wait.
its because, siti mummy cook nasi and sell it at a shop which is near our school.
so yar, siti has to take taxi to school because there's so much things to bring to the shop.
actually not so much lah. haha.
since im staying near her house, i also accompany.
and also Huda. hahaha.
its like having a driver. whoa. hahaha.
and Huda and myself dont need to pay anything. haha.
see, its just like having a driver bebeh.
thanks siti ! ;ppppppp
Monday, January 5, 2009
kay, sch was normal. yeah normal.
except during F&N class, so kecooooh.
kk, after recess was F&N class and we were suppose to bring our bags.
but we all were so lazy and decided to like.. alah. step tatau lah ckp dgn teacher. hahaha.
then, Mdm shahrul was very very mad.
and she shouted at F&N students. ahahah!
we came to class back to take our bags, and she gave only 10 mins. haha.
unfortunately, we got no class keys. tsk.
10 mins tau. haha.
and of course lah kan, we all are like so takot and kecoh.
i mean like, Mdm shahrul is like the fierce teacher of all siah. haha.
then, myself and syafiqah went down to take class key.
but luckily, margaret came with the keys. so yaaay, i dont have to climb up and down the stairs. ahahaha! i mean we. myself and syafiqah. hehe.
kk then..
take bags and all, then proceed to workroom.
and pheeeeeew.. she is not mad. haha.
were suppose to finish F&N class, at 12.00.
but cher dismiss us at 12.30. ahaha! i dont really mind you know, coz after that was MT and its Mdm aishah class. haiyoooo !
so yeah, all the F&N students came in MT class late.
and we do it purposely.
after Mdm shahrul dismiss us, we stay outside class to wait for the 12.30 bell rang.
coz sch finish at 1.00 today. best kan.
then Syahid(classmates) was like eh wait.. dont go in, dont go in.
and we all were like go in now, go in now..
then syahid was like stoping us, but in the end we came in MT class before 12.30 bell ring.
after sch, went home straight.
but b4 that, we took some pictures. ah yeah.
there there !