kay. today, im late for school.
not only me. but with razdee & siti. im late bcoz thanks to razdee! haha. i have to wait for him at the bustop. until i miss my 1st,2nd,and 3rd bus. haha! and thanks to me & razdee, siti is late too! coz she wait for us. HAHAHA.
our hp is saved. haha.
we reach school at ard 7.30, but go in school at ard 7.45. hha! then came izwanni.
so yeah, she is with us too.
for the 15mins, we were thinking where to seal our hp. and finally found a place. hahaha.
came in, then spot check our bags.
got detention for 30mins. coz got in school after 7.45. =.=
and the worst part is, we have to run from 1st floor to 4th floor five times. five times tau!
HAHAH. penat ah! tsk.
okay. class for today are normal yeah. except maths class.
cher shout shout. haha.
after school, myself, huda, siti, bella & dee went to west plaza. bought bubble tea and choco waffle for myself. then proceed to bustop.
bella didnt take the same bus with us. so byebye bella! HAHAHA.
got home.
wash up, then take a nap.
after that.
wash up again, went out with bro to geylang to meet mom.
eat at a coffee shop with bro, mom, dad and myself.
hha! and we played a spelling game.
abg : eh sa, cam mane nak spell "accept"? aku lupe ah, heh.
me : haha. a-c-c-e-p-t .
abg : ohhh...kk.
dad : eh, spell die a-c-c-e-p-t lah.
me : ah, btol lah a-c-c-e-p-t. hahaha. =.=
dad : oh.. aba lagi pandai dari abg kau. haha.
me : eleh!
abg : *ignoring*
mom : *giggle*
me : kk, spell... hmmm. rainbow ? hahahah!
dad : =.=" senang lah! R-A-I-N-B-O-W lah! hahaha.
then we all continue the spelling and all.
after that, mom went to expo to meet sis cos got something on there.
dad dont know go where.
me & abg, naik motor go afghan. haha.
bought bubble tea. haha.
i order for abg wrongly. he wants a honeydew milkshake, but i order milktea. haha!
me : abg, kau nak milktea ke milkshake ah ?
abg : milkshake ah.
me : :O
abg : asl ?
me : aku gi order milktea. hahahaha!
abg : alamak! kau nie. tsk. mcm mane boleh salah ?
me : aku lupe. haha.
abg : lupe ? mcm mane kau boleh pass exam siah klau lupe.
me : hahahahahahahahahahhaa! otak aku nie unique.
abg & me : *laughing*
and yeah, now im home. (:
Oh and,
i lost my thumbdrive!!!which has all my coursework in it! DAMN!
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