haha, okay.
so loooong i never update. hahaha.
currently, chatting with Nifa, Nabs, Gerwyn, Dina, Ain, Iqal and Dinie.
gerwyn, dina, and Ain play a trick on me.
they told me they accidentally deleted my blog. and i fall on their trick. =.="
but, i get back on them. i act angry, and they all "NASA, SORRY ! " hahaha.
im really pissed off by Dinie. tsk.
and yar, thanks gerwyn for editing my blog !
didnt went out today. got no plan.
infact, i do my EBS coursework. and im done with it ! YAAAAY!
but then, i got CPA & Maths to do. tsk.
and yeah.
now everytime i go sch, took cab.
wait wait.
its because, siti mummy cook nasi and sell it at a shop which is near our school.
so yar, siti has to take taxi to school because there's so much things to bring to the shop.
actually not so much lah. haha.
since im staying near her house, i also accompany.
and also Huda. hahaha.
its like having a driver. whoa. hahaha.
and Huda and myself dont need to pay anything. haha.
see, its just like having a driver bebeh.
thanks siti ! ;ppppppp
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