kay, sch was normal. yeah normal.
except during F&N class, so kecooooh.
kk, after recess was F&N class and we were suppose to bring our bags.
but we all were so lazy and decided to like.. alah. step tatau lah ckp dgn teacher. hahaha.
then, Mdm shahrul was very very mad.
and she shouted at F&N students. ahahah!
we came to class back to take our bags, and she gave only 10 mins. haha.
unfortunately, we got no class keys. tsk.
10 mins tau. haha.
and of course lah kan, we all are like so takot and kecoh.
i mean like, Mdm shahrul is like the fierce teacher of all siah. haha.
then, myself and syafiqah went down to take class key.
but luckily, margaret came with the keys. so yaaay, i dont have to climb up and down the stairs. ahahaha! i mean we. myself and syafiqah. hehe.
kk then..
take bags and all, then proceed to workroom.
and pheeeeeew.. she is not mad. haha.
were suppose to finish F&N class, at 12.00.
but cher dismiss us at 12.30. ahaha! i dont really mind you know, coz after that was MT and its Mdm aishah class. haiyoooo !
so yeah, all the F&N students came in MT class late.
and we do it purposely.
after Mdm shahrul dismiss us, we stay outside class to wait for the 12.30 bell rang.
coz sch finish at 1.00 today. best kan.
then Syahid(classmates) was like eh wait.. dont go in, dont go in.
and we all were like go in now, go in now..
then syahid was like stoping us, but in the end we came in MT class before 12.30 bell ring.
after sch, went home straight.
but b4 that, we took some pictures. ah yeah.
there there !

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