Suppppppppp Dickhead. [:
today school was fun.
i seem to be liking going to school this few days. except for the waking early thingy. pfft.
okay. like elly wrote in her blog, i talk alot today.
hahahaha. idk why.
english class was fun. yeah.
i was facing the back and wanted to pass a pen to Hafiz Hamid
when, Mrs Rajan shout
nvm. im getting used to it pon. like everyday.
then i like pause. and hafiz hamid looked at me, and laughed. same goes to the rest.
but, Cher aint being rude. cos the way she said it was really funny.
then Ash like, "Sharifaaaaah! everytime u kena ah." hahahaha.
and elly, smart ah today. haha. like cher say,
she never talk when Hafiz and Huda talking. she like listen and look at cher.
hahaha. pandai pandai.
then when i was laughing, cher say "Sharifaaaah, thanks for reading."
and im like, "Oh Man !"
i have to read the 1st paragraph. and some of them disturb² me when i was reading.
GAH! takde keje.
During Ebs, Argh.
Mr Lim.. wah. mulut mcm pantat ayam siah.
memekak jeeeee ! he kept on nagging and nagging. somemore, using microphone.
oh, and this happen.. i got two teacher for EBS, Mr Lim and Mr Lee,
Ash : eh, Mr Lee you more handsome then Mr Lim ah.
Me : *laughing* haha. handsome boy ah.
Mr Lim : *boring face*
Mr Lee : *Blushing plus, laughing*
Me : ya lah cher, u so handsome then Mr Lim ah. ahahahaha!
Mr Lim : *nagging*
Ash and Me : *laughing*
and this happen too,
Mr Lim : *nagging*
Ash : btw cher, i got a feedback form you knowwww.
anytime ah, i can complain abt you to the principal. [bitch tone]
me : busteeeeeeed. ahahahahahahahha!
Mr Lim : *silentsssssss*
kecoh lah cikgu ni semua. GAH.
After sch, Siti has to go to Detention for half an hour for late coming. -_________-
so i went home with Elly, Faz, Anaa, and Wanie.
the rest went home.
left elly and myself. Elfy, Iqbal and Kai came.
talk to Elfy and Iqbal, then elly go already. and Siti came. hahaha.
and she like "sah, kau gi mane? blom lagi balek?"
yeah. bus terlepas. haha.
so went home with siti.
went home. take a nap. wake up, bath, then go out.
with mum and sis go TM.
now i just reach home. im tireeeeeed!
To NuttyNad,

may all yr wishes and dreams come true.
semoga Allah panjangkan umur and murahkan rezeki. aminnnn..
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