Monday, May 11, 2009

May 11, 2009.


currently, chatting with some people on facebook.
feeling so bored now. trust me.

woke up at 8 in the morning just now, haha.
its school holiday. i should be waking up late, goyang kaki. haha.
but, woke up early because my whole family today working, so they'll morning² kecoh already.
hahahaha. then, i couldn't sleep back.
so i start doing my housework. better than homework.
actually, idk la. hahaha.

anwy, yday bought for mum a kitty teddy bear. haha.
very cute. ^^
tmrw having CPA paper. end sch at 9.15 . how great is that.
but, Mdm aishah is gonna make us went home late. pfft!

im looking for quiz to do.
so bored.

bye, good day to you.

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