Wednesday, June 10, 2009


okay so, yesterday went out the whole day with Nifa and Elly.
like morning to night. Hhahaha.
okok, first meet up with Elly at Tamp Platform.
then meet Nifa at City hall. proceed to Bugis.
few hours later, went to SGH. to meet Haiqal.
and trust me, i was seriously pissed off cause we couldnt get in bcos of the swine flu.
and while waiting for Dinie, Niki, Zik and Hyder..
Nifa called Dinie... and,
Nifa : Din, we couldnt get in tau.
Dinie : Oh, why seh ?
Nifa : Because of you got Swine flu lah!
Dinie, Nifa, Elly & Me : *Laugh*
i swear it was funny. if la only u're there. i burst out laughing while drinking. hhahaha.
anyways, we still couldnt get in. then Haiqal's mum came.
talk to his mum. and Nifa, me and elly went off.
After that, went off to.. err. ah, Elly, Nifa and Myself didnt know where the hell is the place.
but we sure were exhausted.
so then, we walk.. and i swear there's alot of chinese people. and its not Chinatown.
so walk in into a mall, or idk what's the place, and look around.
then saw Burger King. and went it and had our lunch. Hhahaha.
then walk off from that place, and see a map. we plan to go so many places.
and all the places we chose was, Chinese Garden.
went to Chinese Garden.
the MRT was packed, and We 3 were laughing our ass off until passengers get irritated by us.
so then, reached CG ard 7 plus. and its dark, and we walk down the dark valley.
and since we're bored we read the history statues about the Chinese.
and elly was like "wah, like learning about history eh." Hhahaha.
then we sat near the MRT, and have a wonderful air and a nice chat. wow.
then otw home,
got this fucking hot white guy say "HI" to elly. and elly gave the "WTF LOOK" !
Nifa and Myself was like "wthhhhhh elly! he said hi to u. and u ignore! u ignore! omggg"
in the train, got 5 phillip guys.
some are cute actually. idk why, but they 5 were laughing and whispering to each other about us.
we 3 did the same thing. then Nifa and Elly got off at Outram.
the 5 boys seh "bye" to elly and Neloofa.
One of the boys : Why u never go down with them ?
Me : oh. i alight at Tampines. You ?
One of the boys : we alight at Eunos.
Me : oh, ok.
One of the boys :*smile* what's yr name ?
Me : *smile* Sharifah. and you ?
One of the boys : james [ or something. i actually didnt hear what he said.]
Me : ohhh, okay.
trust me, their reaction very funny.

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